BOP-ESFAS Flashcards
What is the power supply for the Train A BOP-ESFAS Cabinet?
PNA and PKA auctioneered
Both converted to 24VDC
2 fans - 1 AC and 1 DC
What two Radiation monitors are responsible for the FBEVAS Actuations?
RU-31 (A) Spent Fuel Pool Area Radiation Monitor
RU-145 (B) Fuel Building Ventilation Exhaust Low Range Radiation Monitor
Does train “A” FBEVAS cross trip the “B” train FBEVAS? Cross trip CREFAS?
Yes - Yes
While tripped the module will send the following signals:
o Trip to the same train CREFAS module
o Trip to the other train FBEVAS module
o To the actuation logic
What lights would be lit on the BOP-ESFAS cabinent if Ru-31 went into HIGH alarm?
FBEVAS Trip and Actuate lights on “A”
just Actuate light on “B”
CREFAS would be cross tripped
If a SIAS and FBEVAS occur simultaneously, where is the suction path for the Fuel Building Essentials?
Aux Building below 100’
If a SIAS and a FBEVAS occur concurrently, the** SIAS will override** the FBEVAS, causing the Fuel Bldg Ess AFUs to lineup and take suction on the Aux Bldg. The operator does have the ability to override this feature and align the AFU to the Fuel Building. The Aux bldg. suction path is 100’ and below.
Does a CRVIAS cross trip CREFAS?
What is the design basis for CREFAS?
Maintain whole body exposure < 5 REM.
What radiation monitors cause a CPIAS?
RU-37 (A) Power Access Purge Area Monitors
RU-38 (B) Power Access Purge Area Monitors
What happens if two modules are placed in bypass at the same time?
Both modules come out of bypass
What radiation monitors actuate CREFAS?
RU-29 (A) Control Room Ventilation Intake Monitors
RU-30 (B) Control Room Ventilation Intake Monitors
What radiation monitors actuate CREFAS?
RU-29 (A) Control Room Ventilation Intake Monitors
RU-30 (B) Control Room Ventilation Intake Monitors
What causes the Man light to be lit on the BOP ESFAS cabinent?
B05 actuation (switch being held, if RESET light is not lit)
What other equipment starts on a CREFAS along with the Control Room Essentials?
CT (A and B)
What must be reset prior to resetting CREFAS?
What RU monitors actuate CRVIAS?
CRVIAS doesn’t have field inputs. (manual initiation only)
The outside air dampers for the Control Room Essentials are open on a CREFAS. CRVIAS is initiated from B05. What happens to the outside air dampers?
They close. CRVIAS overrides SIAS and CREFAS
What happens on a LOP in the BOP-ESFAS?
2/4 logic met on the Class UV relays. Sends signal to DGSS module resulting in a DG start. Signal also sent to Sequencer which generates 1 second Load Shed Pulse to keep from overloading the DG.
How long is the LOP signal once generated? Why?
60 seconds
To ensure the sequencer finishes
What must happen while changing BOP-ESFAS Sequencer Modes?
The Sequencer must pass through MODE 0 (No Input/Normal)
Do you get cross train trips when actuating BOP ESFAS from B05?
How does a loss of PN power to RU-31 affect BOP-ESFAS?
A loss of a radiation monitor will cause the associated channel to trip. In addition, if the monitor fails high, a trip will be initiated as well.
Does having a module in BYPASS prevent actuation from B05?
No - module will actuate regardless of BYPASS position of the module