COLSS Flashcards
What is the purpose of Core Operating Limit Supervisory System (COLSS)?
* Assists in ensuring AOOs will not result in exceeding SAFDL’s and acceptable accident consequences, as long as CPCs trip as expected.
* COLSS provides alarms/indications. CPCs provide the trips.
What is the Linear Heat Rate Power Operating Limit (POL)? Why?
Linear Heat Rate LCO:
* Operating limit (POL) ensures 13.1 kW/ft Tech Spec limit is not exceeded.
* Ensures ≤ 2200°F peak fuel cladding temperature during a LOCA.
* Peak centerline temp safety limit (5080°F) based on preventing fuel centerline melt. (21 kW/ft Hi LPD trip bases)
What computers support COLSS?
Two computers / different Analog to Digital converters
* Core Monitoring Computer (CMC) - normally used to drive the output devices (meters).
* Plant Computer (PC) - back up to the CMC.
* Both part of Plant Monitoring System (PMS / RJ).
* If PMS is failed, COLSS is inoperable.
* Some inputs / input hardware is shared. Failures may affect both.
What is the purpose of the DNBR POL?
DNBR Margin LCO:
* Operating limit (POL) ensures the most rapid DNB Transient from an AOO does not result in **DNBR < 1.34. **
What does COLSS use CEA Positions for? How?
CEA Positions
* Radial Peaking Factor calculations
* Relative Power calculations (compensated for CEA Insertions and Fuel Burnup)
- **COLSS uses the lowest CEA position in a group, and deviation between highest and lowest CEA in a group. **
Signal from pulse counters (demanded position).
** Dropped rod (DRC): pulse counter position is reset to zero. **
o *COLSS thinks entire group is on the bottom and affected group has a deviation. (Conservative)
* If one rod slips or sticks (partial insertion): COLSS no longer knows the rod position.* (Non-conservative)
o Position must be manually entered into PMS.
What does the Power Limit Margin Meter display?
Power Limit Margin Indicator (one for CMC / one for PC output)
* Displays the margin to most restrictive power limit.
* Smoothed plant power compared to license power, DNBR POL and KW/FT POL.
* Most restrictive value (smallest margin) is displayed.
What does the Reactor Power Meter display?
Reactor Power Meter
* Displays the unsmoothed value of Plant Power.
* **Displays the larger of Calibrated ∆T Power or Turbine Power ** if inputs to the power calculations are valid.
What is the equation for JSCALOR?
Calculated Secondary Calorimetric
JSCALOR = (hSTM) (FW flow-BD flow) + (hBD) BD flow - (hFW ) FW flow + energy losses – energy gains
How does changing blowdown flow affect JSCALOR?
- Raising SGBD flowrate cause JSCALOR to drop. (COLSS sees some of FW entering the SG not being turned into steam.)
What is the equation for NKBDELT?
∆T Power Calculation
* COLSS uses Th, Tc, PPZR, and RCP mass flow rates for calculation of enthalpy difference. [Q = ṁ(Δh)]
* NKBDELT: uncalibrated ∆T power.
* ∆T power is then calibrated by the secondary calorimetric power (JSCALOR).
* Calibrated ∆T power then becomes JCPCAL.
(JCPCAL has a quicker response than JSCALOR).
What power calculation is normally used at steady state power operations?
JSCALOR: Used when steady state (more accurate)
* Not as accurate during a transient
* Used to calibrate excore NIs
How is turbine power calibrated?
COLSS correlates turbine first stage pressure (TFSP) to power.** It is calibrated to the secondary
calorimetric** (with the same time constants as for JCPCAL).
NKBTFSP = turbine power.
NKCBTFSP is NKBTFSP calibrated by the JSCALOR (secondary calorimetric) value.
What actions are required if JSCALOR is INOP? How long to complete?
- If JSCALOR inoperable - operate on plant power for 12 hours while not raising power. **> 12 hours, lower power to < 96.6%. **
What is the concern with fuel cladding exceeding 2200 F?
- Prevent fuel clad failure during a LOCA by maintain cladding ≤ 2200°F
o **2200°F **causes severe cladding failure by oxidation (zirc-water reaction)
How does COLSS calculate Steam Generator Blowdown Constants?
Secondary Calculations vs Blowdown Constant
* SGBD is manually entered
* ↑ SGBD flow = ↓ FF = ↓ JSCALOR