Chatper 33: Slide 125-Pt. B 55 Flashcards
This phylum includes snails and slugs, oysters and clams, and octopi and squid
Where do Molluscs live?
Marine, fresh water, and terrestrial
Soft bodies of many species are surrounded by a protective calcium carbonate shell
What three mollusca have a reduced internal shell?
Slugs, squids and octopi
What are the 3 parts of the molluscs body plan?
Foot, visceral mass, and mantle
This part of the body plan in mollusca is usually used for movement
Muscular foot
This part of the body plan in mollusca contains most of the internal organs
Visceral mass
This part of the body plan in mollusca is a fold of tissue draping over the visceral mass that secretes the shell
Molluscs have a water-filled ________ ________ that house the gills, anus, and excretory pores
Mantle cavity
In mollusca, many feed using a strap like ________ to scrape up food
Most molluscs have separate ______, but many snails are _________________
Sexes; hermaphrodites
Many molluscs have a ciliated larval stage called
The trochophore
There are 8 clades of molluscs, the major 4 are
- Polyplacophora (chitons)
- Gastropoda (snails and slugs)
- Bivalvia (calms, oysters, and other bivalves)
- Cephalopoda (squids, octopi, cuttlefish, and chambered nautiluses)
About 3/4 of molluscs are
Move slowly using cilia or by a rippling motion of the foot
Where do Gastropods live
Marine, freshwater and terrestrial
Are marine animals with oval-shaped bodies and a shell made of 8 dorsal plates
The ________ in a chiton, is used to grip and creep slowly along rock
In chiton, what is used to scrape algae off the surface
Gastropods have a single, spiraled shell that protects them from _________, _____________, and ___________
Injury, dehydration, and predation
Most are herbivores, but some species use modified radula to feed on prey
Have a head with eyes at the tips of tentacles
Terrestrial snails lack _______; they use the lining of the _________ ________ for gas exchange with the air
Gills; mantle cavity
Are all aquatic and include many species of clams, oysters, muscles and scallops
Have a shell divided into two hinged halves drawn together by adductor muscles
Have no distinct head or radula
Some have eyes and sensory tentacles along the edge of their mantle
Bivalve _______ are housed inside the mantle cavity
What are the gills is bivalves used for?
Suspension feeding and gas exchange
In bivalves, water enters the mantle cavity through the incurrent ________ and leaves through an _______ siphon
Siphon; excurrent
Most species of bivalves are ________ and anchored to the substrate, but some have limited ___________
Sedentary; mobility
Are active marine predators with beak-like jaws surrounded by tentacles
They immobilize prey using a poison in their saliva
In cephalopods, the _______ is modified into a muscular _________ siphon and part of the tentacles
Foot; excurrent
In cephalopods, water is drawn into the _______ _________ and shot out through the ________ siphon for rapid movement
Mantle cavity; excurrent
The shell in cephalopods is ________ and internal or missing
The shell is reduced in most cephalopods except
Chambered nautiluses
Are the only molluscs with a closed circulatory system
Have well-developed sense organs, and a complex brain
Shelled cephalopods
Once the dominant invertebrate predators of the sea
Segmented worms
Where do Annelids live?
Marine, freshwater, and damp soil habitats
Have coelom but no Hemocoel
What are the 3 traditional clades of Annelids
Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, and Hirudinea
What are the 2 clades of Annelida
Errantia and Sedentaria
Which clade of Annelida is a large and diverse, mostly marine?
Which clade of Annelida are mobile swimmers, crawlers, or borrowers; others are relatively immobile tube-dwellers
Errantians have well-developed ________ used for predation or grazing on multicellular algae
Errantians have a pair of paddle- or ridge-like ___________ on each body segment
In Errantians, ___________ are used for locomotion, and as gills in many species
In Errantians, each parapodium has numerous ________, bristles made of _______
Chaetae; chitin
Which clade of Annelids tend to be less mobile
Where do Sedentarians live?
Burrow slowly in substrate; protective tubes
What type of Sedentarians often filter feed using gills or tentacles?
Earth worms and leeches are included in their clade
This type of Sedentarians are predators of invertebrates; some are blood sucking parasites of vertebrates
What do leeches secrete that prevents coagulation in their prey
They are valued for their role in tilling, aerating, and improving the texture of agricultural soils
Are hermaphrodites that cross-fertilize by joining in opposite direction to exchange sperm
Reproduce asexually by fragmentation and regeneration
This group are the most species-rich animal group
Animals with a cuticle
A tough external coat
The cuticle of Ecdysozoans is shed during _________, or molting
_____________ and ___________ are the largest of about 8 Ecdysozoans phyla
Nematodes; arthropods
Which phyla of Ecdysozoans have cylindrical bodies tapered at the ends and covered by a cuticle
Nematodes have an ___________ canal, but lack a __________ system
Alimentary; circulatory
In Nematodes, nutrients are transported by fluid in the _________
In _____________, the body wall muscles are all longitudinal and their ___________ produces a trashing motion
Nematodes; contraction
Where do nematodes live?
Moist soils and a the bottoms of lakes and oceans
Nematodes includes many _________ of plants and animals, including humans
Trichinella spiralis
2 of every 3 known species are
The arthropod body plan consists of a ______________ body, hard ___________, and jointed _______________
Segmented; exoskeleton; appendages
Arthropod appendages have become modified for walking, ____________, sensory reception, ____________, and defense
Feeding; reproduction
In Arthropods, modified ____________ are jointed and come in pairs
Exoskeleton made of layers of protein and the polysaccharide chitin, covers the entire body
The rigid exoskeleton of arthropods, provides __________ and point of attachment for _________
Protection; muscles
In arthropods, the __________ must be shed for growth to occur
Evolution of the exoskeleton in arthropods reduces _______ _______ and prevents ______________
Water loss; desiccation
Evolution of the exoskeleton in ____________ provides _____________ support without the _________ of water
Arthropods; structural; buoyancy
What 3 things in arthropods function in both touch and smell?
Eyes, olfactory receptors, and antennae
In Arthropods, the ___________ ______________ system uses a heart to pump _________ into the cavity surrounding the tissues and organs (the _______)
Open circulatory; Hemolymph; Hemocoel
In ____________, a variety of specialized gas exchange organs have evolved to ___________ the exoskeleton
Arthropods; circumvent
Aquatic ____________ species have _______ with feathery extensions to maximize __________ exposed to the water
Arthropod; gills; surface
Terrestrial Arthropod species have _________ surfaces specialized for gas exchange, such as the ________ ________ system
Internal; insect tracheal
Living arthropods consists of 3 major lineages
Chelicerates, myriapods, and pancrustaceans
Which lineages of Arthropods include sea spiders, horseshoe crabs, scorpions, ticks, mites and spiders?
Which lineage of Arthropods includes centipedes and millipedes?
Which lineage of Arthropods includes insects, lobsters, shrimp, barnacles, and other crustaceans?