Chapter 32: Animal Diversity Pt. 2 Flashcards
Five important points about the relationships among living animals are reflected in their phylogeny (1)
All animals share a common ancestor
Five important points about the relationships among living animals are reflected in their phylogeny (2)
Sponges are the sister group to all other animals
Five important points about the relationships among living animals are reflected in their phylogeny (3)
Eumetazoa is a clade of animals with tissues
All animals except for sponges and few others belong to the _____________ (“true animals”)
Five important points about the relationships among living animals are reflected in their phylogeny (4)
Most animal phyla belong to the clade Bilateria
Five important points about the relationships among living animals are reflected in their phylogeny (5)
There are three major clades of bilaterian animals
Most bilaterians are ___________, animals that lack a backbone
_____________ is the only phylum that also includes vertebrates, animals with a backbone
What are the 3 clades of Bilaterians
Deuterostomia, Ecdysozoa, and Lophotrochozoa
Members of ___________ may be invertebrates or vertebrates
What 3 are included in the Dueterostomia clade?
HEC: Hemichordates (acorn worms), echnioderms (sea stars and relatives), and chordates (including vertebrates)
Which 2 clades of Bilaterians are invertebrates
Ecdyosozoans and Lophotrochozoans
All members of __________ secrete an external skeleton (exoskeleton)
The exoskeleton is shed to allow for growth, a process called
Nematodes and anthropods are
The clade __________ is named for 2 different features observed in its members
In Lophotrochozoa, ectoprocts, develop a ____________, a crown of Ciliates tentacles used for feeding
In Lophotrochozoa, molluscs and annelids, have a developmental stage called the
Trochophore larva