Chapter 9 Tests and Procedures Flashcards
Enema containing a substance that shows up clearly under x-ray and fluoroscopic examination
Barium enema
X-ray examination of the esophagus after the patient has swallowed a liquid that contains barium
Barium swallow
Computerized collection in translation of multiple x-rays into a three-dimensional picture, creating a more detailed and accurate image than traditional X-rays
Computed tomography CT scan
Radiographic examination through a fiber optic endoscope of vessels that connect the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas to the duodenum after injection of a radiopaque material
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ERCP
Test of fecal specimen for presence of hidden blood
Fecal occult blood test (hemoccult)
Test of gastric contents for pH level and presence of blood
Test that detects the presence of antibodies to helicobacter pylori. (H. Pylori), The most common cause of gastric ulcers
Helicobacter pylori test
Exploration of abdominal contents with a laparoscope
Tests, including asparate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine amino transferase (ALT), that determine the liver’s ability to perform its many complex functions
Liver function tests LFTs
Visual examination of the GI tract from the rectum to cecum; variations include colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and proctoscopy
Lower endoscopy
X-ray of the large intestine after rectal installation of barium sulfate
Lower GI X-ray
Examination of a fecal specimen for abnormal bacteria and other microorganisms
Stool culture
Test in which ultra high frequency sound waves are used to outline the shapes of various body structures
Visual examination of the GI tract, from the esophagus to duodenum
Upper endoscopy
X-ray that involves the use of a contrast medium to help visualize abdominal organs, including the stomach and esophagus
Upper GI X-ray UGI