Chapter 11 definitions Flashcards
located within the scrotum, oval shaped structures composed of an outer capsule, made of thick, white connective tissue, and an inner part divided into 200-300 lobules which contain the seminiferous tubules
Seminiferous tubules
located in the testes, this is where spermatogenesis occurs
creation of new sperm cells
male reproductive cells, they are sesnsitive to heat and live in an environment that is slightly below normal body temp
composed of two internal compartments surrounded by loose connective tissue, and a smooth muscle layer
Second muscle group in the scrotum that extends from the abdomen. Maintains temperature
efferent ductules
small ducts that transport sperm from the testes to the epididymis
coiled tube located on the back of each testicle where sperm are stored, matured, and transported. It plays a crucial role in the final maturation of sperm and in enabling them to become motile before they are ejaculated
vas deferens
muscular tube that transports sperm from the epididymis to the urethra during ejaculation
ejaculatory duct
short, narrow tube formed by the union of the vas deferens, and the duct of the seminal vesicle. It passes through the prostate gland and empties into the urethra.
glans penis
distal, rounded end of the penis
fold of skin covers the glans penis. Circumcision removes this
dual purpose, exit passageway for both urine and semen; both do not exit at the same time.
internal urinary sphincter
contracts to keep semen from entering the bladder, and to keep urine from exiting the bladder
bulbourethral glands
(and the inner urethral wall) produce mucous secretions to lubricate the urethra and neutralize its acidic environment
seminal vescicles
secrete fructose and other nutrients for sperm cells, secrete prostaglandin which stimulates smooth muscle contractions in the female reproductive tract
stimulates smooth muscle contractions in the female reproductive tract, thought to help sperm move through environment
Prostate gland
secretes prostatic fluid that flows through several ducts to the urethra and helps to create a more alkaline environment to help sperm motility
Oval shaped structures, primary sex organs in females. They contain graafian follicles (immature ova)
Graafian follicles
immature ova
mature ovum
28 days, one of the ovaries produces ________ _____.
acts to develop the female reproductive organs during puberty, prepares the uterus for a fertilized egg
responsible for the changes in the endometrium in preparation for implantation of a developing embryo
fallopian tubes
extend 4 inches from the sides of the uterus towards the ovaries.
fallopian tubes end with these structures that move in a wavelike fashion to help direct the ovum into the tube through which it travels on its way to the uterus
thick walled, muscular organ located behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. Consists of fundus (rounded upper portion; corpus (body of the uterus); cervix (narrowed section that opens into the vagina). Houses and protects the developing fetus
dilates during birth to allow delivery of the fetus
connects the cervix with the external surface. Passageway for the penis during sex and as the birth canal for the birth process
external structures of the female reproductive system
made of elongated erectile tissue, responds to stimulation and causes orgasm.
urethral meatus
opening to the urinary bladder
consists of two layers (majora and minora) covers and protects the clitoris, urethral meatus, and vaginal opening.
pigmented tissue on the breast
center of the areola
newborn baby
the process of feeding neonate with breast milk
Hormones that breasts respond to
estrogen, increases breast size
progesterone, stimulates the development of the duct system
prolactin, stimulates milk production
oxytocin, promotes the flow of milk from the glands
onset of menstruation
every 28 days, uterus sheds the layer of endometrial tissues that develops each month in preparation for pregnancy (follicular, luteal and menstrual phases)
follicular phase
Brain releases GnRH, which stimulates pituitary gland to release FSH and LH. These hormones act on graafian follicles to secrete estrogen, which stimulates the growth of the endometrium. During ovulation, progesterone is released from ovum.
luteal phase
ovum is propelled toward the fallopian tube by wavelike action of the fimbriae. progesterone produced by the corpus luteum causes extensive growth of the endometrium
corpus luteum
the remainder of the follicle after a woman ovulates. Progesterone produced by the ______ _______ causes extensive growth of the endometrium
fertilization of the ovum, if this occurs, the corpus luteum will secrete HCG
Corpus albicans
if fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum atrophies into a mass of fibrous tissue called the ____ ______
The absence of ___, and _____ _____ _______, the endometrium begins to deteriorate, and menstruation begins
HCG, decreasing progesterone levels
occurs when sperm penetrates an egg and forms a zygote
has 23 chromosomes from the ovum and 23 from the sperm. After traveling and multiplying through the fallopian tube, it implants in the uterine wall. Corpus luteum secretes inhibin, which inhibits the secretion of FSH. Low levels of FSH and LH prevent new follicle stimulation
the organ of nutrition for the growing zygote
umbilical cord
contains two arteries and one vein; arteries provide oxygen and nutrients, and the vein removes CO2 and waste
pregnancy; broken into trimesters
first trimester
12 weeks, zygote becomes embryo. At 9 weeks, embryo becomes fetus
fatigue, nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, urinary frequency, constipation, and insomnia
second trimester
13 weeks to 27 weeks approximately; from 15-28, the uterus expands above the umbilicus, and the mother can feel fetal movements. 20 weeks, the fetus can open its eyes. 24 weeks, it can hear sounds made outside the uterus. Time of rapid growth.
third trimester
28- 38/40 weeks. Adds more fat, lungs grow, testes descend. Maternal weight gain can be in excess of 1 pound per week. Low back pain and fatigue. By 28 weeks the fetus typically moves into head down position
Braxton Hicks contractions
false labor, uterus begins to gently contract at irregular interval.
Beginning of labor
the beginning is signaled by the expulsion of the mucous plug that develops in the cervix to protect the fetus from organisms in the vagina. Amniotic fluid may leak slowly or quickly. More rhythmic contractions
1st stage active labor
dilation and effacement (thinning) of the cervix. Uterine contractions increase in frequency and intensity, lasts from 1-24 hours.
2nd stage active labor
delivery; oxytocin causes forceful contractions, woman feels the need to push or bear down. As soon as the infant’s head delivers, it rotates to the side and then the shoulders are delivered, followed by the rest of the body
infants head appears at the cervical opening.
third stage of active labor
placenta detaches from the uterine wall and is expelled from the body with a few more contractions.
normal cessation of menses, typically 40 years after menarche
symptoms may last from a few months to several years. Hot flashes, chills, night sweats, mood swings, and insomnia