Chapter 8 The Digestive System Medical Terms Flashcards
a radiographic procedure that produces a detailed cross-section of the tissue structure within the abdomen
abdominal computed tomography
a noninvasive test used to visualize internal organs by using very high frequency sound waves
abdominal ultrasound
an abnormal growth of bacteria in the mouth
acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (trench mouth)
excessive swallowing of air while eating or drinking
a small crack-like sore in the skin of the anus that can cause severe pain during a bowel movement
anal fissure
a surgical connection between two hollow or tubular structures
the loss of appetite for food, especially when caused by a disease
an eating disorder characterized by a false perception of body appearance that leads to a refusal to maintain a normal body weight
anorexia nervosa
the visual examination of the anal canal and lower rectum
medications to relieve indigestion or help peptic ulcers heal by neutralizing stomach acids
medication administered to prevent or relieve nausea and vomiting
gray-white pits with a red border in the soft tissues lining the mouth
aphthous ulcers (canker sores or mouth ulcers)
an abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity
performed to treat morbid obesity by restricting the amount of food that can enter the stomach and be digested
bariatric surgery
the branch of medicine for the prevention and control of obesity and associated diseases
a condition that occurs when the cells in the epithelial tissue of the esophagus are damged by chronic acid exposure
Barrett’s esophagus
a number that shows body weigh adjusted for height
body mass index (BMI)
the inability to control excretion of feces
bowel incontinence
involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth that usually occurs during sleep
an eating disorder characterized by frequent episodes of binge eating followed by compensatory behaviors, such as self-induced vomiting
bulimia nervosa
physical wasting away due to the loss of weight and muscle mass that occurs in patients with diseases such as advanced cancer or AIDS
a tiny video camera in a capsule that the patient swallows that transmits images of the walls of the small intestine
capsule endoscopy
an inherited autoimmune disorder characterized by a severe reaction to foods containing gluten
celiac disease (gluten intolerance)
a disorder of the lips characterized by crack-like sores at the corners of the mouth
cheilosis (cheilitis)
a radiographic examination of the bile ducts with the use of a contrast medium
an acute inflammation of the bile duct characterized by pain in the upper-right quadrant of the abdomen, fever, and jaundice
the surgical removal of the gallbladder
inflammation of the gallbladder that is usually associated with gallstones
an incision in the common bile duct for the removal of gallstones
the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder or bile duct
destructive epidermal cyst in the middle ear made up of epithelial cells and cholesterol
a chronic degenerative disease of the liver characterized by scarring
a birth defect resulting in a deep groove of the lip running upward to the nose
cleft lip (harelip)
failure of the palate to close during the early development of the fetus that involves the upper lip, hard palate, and/or soft palate
cleft palate
surgical removal of all or part of the colon
direct visual examination of the inner surface of the colon from the rectum to the cecum
a common form of cancer that often first manifests itself in polyps in the colon
colorectal carcinoma (colon cancer)
the surgical creation of an artificial excretory opening between the colon and the body surface
a surgical incision into the colon
having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week
a bacterial-infection common to older adults in hospitals or long-term care facilities
clostridium difficile (C. diff)
a chronic autoimmune disorder that can occur anywhere in the digestive tract; however, it is more often found in the ileum and in the colon
Crohn’s disease
a condition in which fluid loss exceeds fluid intake and disrupts the body’s normal electrolyte balance
hardened dental plaque on the teeth
dental calculus (tartar)
an infectious disease that destroys the enamel and dentin of the tooth
dental caries (tooth decay or cavity)
a soft deposit consisting of bacteria and bacterial by-products that builds up on the teeth
dental plaque
the professional cleaning of the teeth to remove plaque and calculus
dental prophylaxis
the abnormally frequent flow of loose or watery stools
surgical removal of a diverticulum
inflammation or infection of one or more diverticula in the wall of the colon
the chronic presence of an abnormal number of diverticula in the wall of the colon
a small pouch or sac occurring in the lining or wall of a tubular organ
a bacterial infection spread through food or water contaminated by human feces
pain or discomfort in digestion
dyspepsia (indigestion)
difficulty in swallowing
infection caused by the bacteria Escherichia coli, transmitted through improperly cooked, contaminated foods
E. coli
the reflex ejection of the stomach contents outward through the mouth
emesis (vomitting)
a small, flexible tube with a light and lens on the end
the placement of a solution into the rectum and colon to empty the lower intestine through bowel activity
inflammation of the small intestine caused by eating or drinking substances contaminated with viral or bacterial pathogens
the act of belching or raising gas orally from the stomach
enlarged and swollen veins at the lower end of the esophagus
esophogeal varices
the endoscopic examination of the upper GI tract
a hard deposit that forms in the gallbladder and bile ducts
gallstone (cholelith)
tissue death caused by a loss of circulation to the affected tissues
apain in the stomach
surgical removal of all or a part of the stomach
inflammation of the stomach
the establishment of an anastomosis between the upper portion of the stomach and the duodenum
pain in the stomach
inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the stomach and intestines
the upward flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
the excessive secretion gastric juice or mucus in the stomach
any disease of the stomach
a surgical placed feeding tube from the exterior of the body directly into the stomach
gastrostomy tube (G-tube)
surgical removal of diseased gingival tissue
inflammation of the gums; the earliest stage of periodontal disease
an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth
halitosis (bad breath)
the vomiting of blood
the flow of bright red blood in the stool
a laboratory test for hidden blood in the stools
hemoccult test (fecal occult blood test)
the surgical removal of hemorrhoids
a condition that occurs when a cluster of enlarged veins, muscles, and tissues slip near or through the anal opening
the surgical removal of all or party of the liver
inflammation of the liver
abnormal enlargement of the liver
the protrusion of a part or structure through the tissue normally containing it
blister-like sores on the lips caused by HSV-1
herpes labialis (cold sores or fever blisters)
the protrusion of part of the stomach through an opening in the diaphragm
hiatal hernia
extreme, persistent vomiting that can cause dehydration
the surgical removal of the ileum
the surgical creation of an artificial opening between the ileum and the outside of the abdominal wall
the partial of complete blockage of the small and/or large intestine
ileus (paralytic ileus)
the general name for diseases that cause inflammation and swelling in the intestines
inflammatory bowel disease
the protrusion of a small loop of bowel through a weak place in the lower abdominal wall or groin
inguinal hernia
the partial of complete blockage of the small and/or large intestine caused by a physical obstruction
intestinal obstruction
fluid administered into a vein to combat the effects of dehydration
intravenous fluid
the telescoping of one part of the small intestine into the opening of an immediately adjacent part
a common condition of unknown cause with symptoms that can include intermittent cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea
irritable bowel syndrome (spastic colon)
a condition that occurs when part of the large intestine is partially or completely deprived of blood
ischemic colitis
a yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and eyes
medications or foods given to stimulation bowel movements
an abnormal white precancerous lesion that develops inside the mouth in response to chronic irritation
an option for a patient whose liver has failed for a reason other than liver cancer
liver transplant
a condition in which the small intestine cannot absorb nutrients from the food that passes through it
a lack of proper food or nutrients in the body, due to a shortage of food, poor eating habits, or the inability of the body to digest, absorb, and distribute these nutrients
specialized surgery of the face and jaws to correct deformities, treat diseases, and repair injuries
maxillofacial surgery
the passage of black, tarry, and foul-smelling stools
the condition of weighing two or more times the ideal weight or having a body mass index value greater than 40
morbid obesity (severe obesity)
the placement of a tube through the nose and into the stomach
nasogastric intubation
the urge to vomit
describes the accumulation of fat in the liver of people who drink little or no alcohol
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
a more serious form of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, consists of fatty accumulations plus liver-damaging inflammation
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
an excessive accumulation of fat in the body
a physician specializing in surgery of the face and jaws to correct deformities, treat diseases, and repair injuries
oral or maxillofacial surgeon
treatment in which a solution of electrolytes is administered in a liquid preparation to counteract dehydration
oral rehydration therapy
a type of stomatomycosis caused by the fungus candida albicans
oral thrush
a surgical procedure to create an artificial opening between an organ and the body surface
surgical repair of a cleft palate or lip
sores that affect the mucous membranes of the digestive system
peptic ulcers
inflammation of the tissues that surround and support the teeth
periodontal disease (periodontitis)
an abnormal craving or appetite for nonfood substances such as dirt that lasts for at least one month
mushroom-like growth from the surface of a mucous membrane
excessive hunger
surgical fixation of a prolapsed rectum to an adjacent tissue or organ
medications that decrease the amount of acid produced by the stomach
proton pump inhibitors
the burning sensation caused by the return of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus
pyrosis (heart burn)
a bulging of the front wall of the rectum into the vagina
the return of swallowed food into the mouth
an infectious disease transmitted by feces, either through direct contact or by eating contaminated raw or undercooked food
salmonellosis (salmonella)
the endoscopic examination of the interior of the rectum, sigmoid colon, and possible a portion of the descending colon
the presence of excess fat in stool
inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth
any disease of the mouth due to a fungus
specimens of feces that are examined for content and characteristics
stool samples
a condition that occurs when a portion of the intestine is constricted inside the hernia and its blood supply is cut off
strangulated hernia
a specialized solution administered intravenously to patients who cannot or should not get their nutrition through eating
total parenteral nutrition
any restriction to the opening of the mouth caused by trauma, surgery, or radiation associated with the treatment of oral cancer
an open sore or lesion of the skin or mucous membrane resulting in tissue loss around the edges
a chronic condition of unknown cause in which repeated episodes of inflammation in the rectum and large intestines cause ulcers and irritation
ulcerative colitis
radiographic studies to examine the digestive system. a contrast medium is used to make these structures visible
upper GI series and lower GI series
twisting of the intestine on itself, causing an obstruction
a lack of adequate saliva due to diminished secretions by the salivary glands
xerostomia (dry mouth)