Chapter 14 The Reproductive Systems A&P Flashcards
are the organs of reproduction and their associated structures
are reproductive organs located outside of the body cavity
external genitalia
are reproductive organs protected within the body
internal genitalia
is the external surface region in both males and females between the pubic symphysis and coccyx
extends from the scrotum to the area around the anus
male perineum
extends from the pubic symphysis to the area around the anus
female perineum
are the penis and the scrotum, which contain two testicles
external male genitalia
include the remaining structures of the male reproductive system
internal male genitalia
is the sac-like structure that surrounds, protects, and supports the testicles
also known as testes, are the two small, egg-shaped glands to produce the sperm
sperm are formed within these of each testicle
seminferous tubules
is a coiled tube at the upper part of each testicle. tube runs down the length of the testicle
extends upward from the epididymis and is attached to each testicle
spermatic cord
also known as spermatozoa, are the male gametes
is the process of sperm formation
means capable of spontaneous motion
is the male sex organ that transports sperm into the female vagina
during sexual stimulation, the erectile tissue fills with blood under high pressure. this causes the swelling, hardness, and stiffness known as a
mean relating to the penis
penile, phallic
also known as the head of the penis, is the sensitive region located at the tip of the penis
glans penis
also known as the prepuce, is a retractable double-layer fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers and protects the glans penis
also known as the ductus deferens, are the long, narrow continuations of each epididymis
vas deferens
are glands that secrete a thick, yellow substance to nourish the sperm cells
seminal vesicles
begins at the vas deferens, pass through the prostate gland and empties into the urethra
ejaculatory duct
lies under the bladder and surrounds the urethra in the region where the vas deferens enters the urethra
prostate gland
means ability to move
also known as the cowper’s glands, are located just below the prostate gland. one of these glands is located on either side of the urethra, and they open into the urethra
bulbourethral glands
helps flush out any residual urine or foreign matter in the urethra
passes through the penis to the outside of the body
is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the genitourinary system of males and the urinary system of females
refers to both the genital and urinary organs
are located posterior to the mons pubis
external female genitalia
a rounded, fleshy prominence located over the pubic symphysis
mons pubis
external reproductive structures in females are collectively known as
vulva or the pudendum
are the vaginal lips that protect the other external genitalia and the urethral meatus
labia majora and labia minora
is the external opening of the urethra
urethral meatus
is an organ of sensitive, erectile tissue located anterior to the urethral meatus and the vaginal orifice
produce a mucus secretion to lubricate the vagina
bartholin’s glands
is the exterior opening to the vagina
vaginal orifice
is a mucous membrane that partially covers the vaginal orifice and can be torn either during the first instance of intercourse or other activity
are made up of fat, connective tissue, and the mammary glands
also known as lactiferous glands, are the milk-producing glands that develop during puberty
mammary glands
also known as milk ducts, carry milk from the mammary glands to the nipple
lactiferous ducts
opening breast milk flows through
dark-pigmented area around the nipple
are a pair of small, almond-shaped organs located in the lower abdomen, one on either side of the uterus
is a fluid-filled sac containing a single ovum (egg).
also known as eggs, are the female gametes
which are also known as uterine tubes, these tubes extend from the upper end of the uterus to a point near but not attached to an ovary
fallopian tube
is the funnel-shaped opening into the fallopian tube near the ovary
are the fringed, finger-like extensions of this opening. role is to catch the mature ovum when it leaves the ovary
formerly known as the womb, is a pear-shaped organ with muscular walls and mucous membrane lining filled with a rich supply of blood vessels
the body of the uterus is bent forward
is the bulging, rounded part above the entrance of the fallopian tubes
also known as the body of the uterus, is the middle portion
also known as the cervix uteri, is the lower, narrow portion that extends into the vagina
also known as the uterine serosa, is the tough, membranous outer layer
is the muscular middle layer of the uterus
is the inner layer, and it consists of specialized epithelial mucosa that is rich in blood vessels
is the muscular tube lined with mucous that extends from the cervix to the outside of the body
also known as menses, is the normal periodic discharge of the endometrial lining and unfertilized egg from uterus
is the beginning of the menstrual function
how long does the average menstrual cycle consist of
28 days
is the normal termination of menstrual function in a woman during middle age
is the term used to designate the transition phase between regular menstrual periods and no periods at all
these are the days when the endometrial lining of the uterus is sloughed off and discharged through the vagina as the menstrual flow
menstrual phase
after the menstrual period, the pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), causing an ovum to mature
postmenstrual phase
on approximately the 13 or 14th day of the cycle ovulation occurs
ovulatory phase
if fertilization does not occur, hormone levels change to cause the breakdown of the uterine endometrium and the beginning of a new menstrual flow
premenstrual phase
is the release of a mature egg from a follicle on the surface of one of the ovaries that happens on the 13th or 14th day
secretes the hormone progesterone during the second half of the menstrual cycle
corpus luteum
also known as sexual intercourse or copulation, the male ejaculates approximately 100 million sperm into the female’s vagina.
occurs when a sperm penetrates and fertilizes the descending ovum
is the embedding of the zygote into the lining of the uterus
from implantation through the 8th week of pregnancy, the developing child is known as an
from the 9th week of pregnancy to the time of birth, the developing child in utero is known as a
means within the uterus
in utero
result from fertilization of separate ova by separate sperm cells
fraternal twins
formed by the fertilization of a single egg cell by a single sperm that divides to form two embryos
identical twins
is the thin outer membrane that encloses the embryo
is a temporary organ that forms within the uterus to allow to exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products between the mother and fetus without allowing maternal blood and fetal blood to mix
after delivery of the newborn, the placenta and fetal membranes are expelled as the
is also known as the amnion, is the innermost membrane that surrounds the embryo in the uterus
amniotic sac
fluid-filled space between the embryo and amniotic sac
amniotic cavity
also known as amniotic fluid, is the liquid that protects the fetus and makes possible its floating movements
amnionic fluid
is the tube that carries blood, oxygen, and nutrients from the placenta to the developing child. it also transports waste from the fetus to be disposed of through the mother’s excretory system
umbilical cord
also known as the belly button, is formed where the umbilical cord was attached to the fetus
which lasts approximately 280 days is the period of development of the child in the mother’s uterus
is often used interchangeably with gestation, means the condition of having a child in the uterus
or estimated date of confinement, is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP)
due date
is an old-fashioned term describing the period of rest for mother that followed childbirth
is the first movement of the fetus in the uterus that can be felt by the mother
capable of living outside the uterus
refers to the final stage of pregnancy just before the onset of labor
is a woman who has never been pregnant
is a woman who has never borne a viable child
is a woman during her first pregnancy
is a woman who has borne one viable child
means a woman who has given birth two or more times
also known as childbirth and parturition, occurs in three stages
labor and delivery
what are the three stages of labor and delivery
dilation, delivery of the baby, expulsion of the afterbirth
is the process by which the cervix prepares for delivery as it gradually softens, shortens, and becomes thinner
describes when the baby is coming head first
cephalic presentation or crowning
means after childbirth
is the time from the delivery of the placenta through approximately the first 6 weeks after the delivery
is the postpartum vaginal discharge that typically continues for 4 to 6 weeks
is the return of the uterus to its normal size and former condition after delivery
uterine involution
is a specialized form of milk that delivers essential nutrients and antibodies in a form that the newborn can gest
is the process of forming and secreting milk from the breasts as nourishment for the infant
is a mood disorder characterized by feelings of sadness and the loss of pleasure in normal activities that can occur shortly after giving birth
postpartum depression
is a greasy substance that protects the fetus in utero and can be present at birth
is the greenish material that collects in the intestine of a fetus and forms the first stools of a newborn
is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the female reproductive system
or OB, is a physician who specializes in providing medical care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and immediately thereafer
is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the newborn
also known as a fertility specialist helps infertile couples by diagnosing and treating problems associated with concept and maintaining pregnancy
infertility specialist
is the term applied to women in their late 30s to late 40s. as one of these women age, the possibility of her becoming pregnant decreases
advanced maternal age
is the inability of a couple to achieve pregnancy after 1 year of regular, unprotected intercourse, or the inability of a woman to carry a pregnancy to a live birth
are a form of hormones that are administered as an oral contraceptive
birth control pills
is a barrier contraceptive that prevent sperm from reaching and fertilizing the egg
will also prevent pregnancy when used correctly. placed of a mans penis and will help prevent the transmission of sexual transmitted diseases
is a synthetic form of the female hormone progesterone
condition is a form of conjunctivitis that is caused by the bacteria responsible for chlamydia or gonorrhea
ophthalmia neonatorum
also known as a miscarriage, usually occurs early in the pregnancy and is due to an abnormality or genetic disorder
spontaneous abortion
caused by human intervention, is achieved through the use of drugs or suctioning. when done for medical purposes is therapeutic abortion
induced abortion
means appearing before or in front of
means slowly pouring a liquid onto a body part or into a body cavity
the uterus is removed and the cervix is left in place
partial or subtotal hysterectomy
vaginal birth after a cesarean
means in an artificial environment such as a test tube
In vitro
is an option for a woman with ovaries but no uterus
gestational carrier
defines the presence or absence of the Rh antigen on red blood cells.
Rh factor