Chapter 27. Digestive system 2 Flashcards
How is the peritoneum divided
- parietal peritoneum: lines the abdominopelvic cavity
- visceral peritoneum: covers the surface of the abdominal and pelvic viscera
What are intraperitoneal organs
organs completely covered by the visceral peritoneum
What is contained in the peritoneal cavity
It is the space between the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum, contains serous fluid for lubrication
What are the peritoneal reflections
double peritoneal folds that carry nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels that supply the abdominal organs
What are the categories of peritoneum
- visceral: surrounds part of the digestive system ( surrounds coils of small intestine and colon, stomach and liver)
- parietal layer:
- lesser omentum: double layer of peritoneum from the liver to stomach
- mesenteries: (have the mesenteries and transverse mesocolon mesenteries)
What is the function of the mesenteries
passageway for blood vessels and nerves
What is an alternative name for the lesser omentum
gastrohepatic ligament
what is a stomach, where is it located
muscular orgran, it is located at the left hypochondriac, epigastric and umbilical regions
Where is the end point of the eosphagus to the stomach
T11. It is at the cardia
What are the openings of the stomach
cardia and pyloric openings
What are the components of the stomach
- body
- fundus
- pyloric part
What are the components of the pyloric part
- pylocric sphincter
- pyloric canal
- pyloric antrum
What is the function of gastric rugae
expand stomach
What are the components of the small intestine
superior segment
dececending segment
horizontal=transverse=inferior segment
ascending segment
Where is the pancreatic juice and bile released
2nd segment of the duodenum
what controls the chyme from small to large intestine
illeocecal valve
what opens to the cecum
appendix and illeocecal valve
Where is the appendix located at
junction of medial 2/3 (or lateral 1/3) of line joining the ASIS and the umbillicus
Where is the beginning of the transverse colon
right colic/hepatic flexure
Where is the end of the transverse colon
left colic flexure