Chapter 2 Flashcards
Describe the nucleus ?
-Largest and most visible organelle
-Control center for the cells
-In eukaryotes cells, contains genetic information that we inherit from our parents
-Contains DNA and RNA
What does the mitochondria do ?
Help to make energy molecules that cells can use
What does lysosome and protesomes do ?
They are the cells digestive system
What does the ribosome do for the cell?
Make protein that can help other molecules needed for cell function
-site of cell synthesis
What is ribosome made of?
RNA and protein
What is protoplasm?
A intracellular fluid
what is Protoplasm(Intracellular fluid) contained of?
-Water (70-85%)
-Proteins( 10-75%)
What does cytoskeleton do for the cell?
-Controls the cell shape and movement
and medium for chemical reaction
What is the cell membrane ?
-Lipid bilayer that surrounds the cell and separates it from its surrounding external layer.
-Made of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins
-Helps regulate cell growth and division
What does the cell membrane do?
Cell membrane determine what can and can’t enter the and exit the cell.
Helps regulate cell growth and division
Cell membrane is selective semi-permeable
**Cell communication
What is autocrine?
-When the cell targets itself
-Releasing chemical into extracellular fluid that affects its own activity
**Cell communication
What is paracrine?
When a cell signals a cell nearby
**Cell communication
What is Endocrine?
A cell targets a distant cell through the bloodstream
**Cell communication
What is synaptic?
When a cell targets a neighboring cell through gap junctions.
(Signaling occurs in the nervous system, where neurotransmitter act only on adjacent nerve cells.
What are cell surface receptors?
-Embedded into plasma membrane
-On and off switch for signaling tranduction( Transfer of genetic material from one to another)
What are Ion-channeled -linked receptors?
allow the selective passage of selected ions through the cell membrane
What are intracellular receptor?
recognize an bind receptors
What are two types of cell division?
Mitosis and Meiosis
What is Mitosis?
Cell division that occurs in somatic cells
What is meiosis?
Occurs in gamete producing organs
What is metabolism?
The chemical reactions in the body’s cells that change food into energy
What is catabolism?
Breaks down stored nutrients and body tissues to produce energy
What is anabolism?
Builds more complex molecules from simpler ones
What are the 3 main pathways that atp is formed?
1.) The glycolytic pathway (anaerobic:No 02)
2.) The citric acid cycle (aerobic 02 present)
3.) The electron transport chain (aerobic 02 present)
What is anaerobic energy metabolism glycolysis
- Does not require oxygen
-Produces 2 ATP molecules/glucose molecule
-Pyruvate lactic acid
What is Aerobic energy metabolism?
-Requires 02
-Citric cycle (krebs cycle)
-produces 34 to 36 atp molecules/glucose
What is passive transport?
-Along existing gradient
What is active transport?
-Against gradient
-Requires energy
What is endocytosis?
Cells absorb external material by engulfing it within the membrane
What is phagocytosis?
process by which certain living cells called phagocytes ingest or engulf other cells or particles
What is exocytosis?
Process of moving materials from within a cell to the exterior of the cell
What is ion channels?
pores in the cellular membrane that allow the passage of ions across the impermeant lipid cell membrane
What is electric potentials?
the energy that is needed to move a charge against an electric field.
What are resting membrane potentials?
the electrical potential difference across the plasma membrane when the cell is in a non-excited state.
What is equilibrium potential?
the potential at which there is no net movement of that ion across the membrane,
What is extracellular matrix?
is secreted by cells and surrounds them in tissues
What is cell junctions and cell to cell adhesions
Adhesion junctions are found in epithelial cells and help to connect two cells together. They are made of different anchoring proteins in the cell membrane including: