Chapter 15 Flashcards
What are extensormuscle?
Muscle increase the angle of a joint
What are flexor muscle?
Muscle that decrease the angle of joint
What is agonist muscle movement?
Promote movement
What is antagonist movement?
Oppose movement
What is synergist movement?
Stabilize joint or contribute to joint movement by adding force
What is neuromuscular junction?
Synapse between motor neuron and skeleton fiber
What is the pyramidal motor system?
Originates in the motor cortex
-Provides control of delicate muscle movement
What is extrapyramidal system?
-Originates in the basal ganglia
-Provides background for more crude and supportive movement
***Movement planning
WHat is primary motor cortex?
Execution of movement
***Movement planning
WHat is pre motor cortext?
Generating plan of movement, like youre about to do something
***Movement planning
What is the supplemental motor cortex?
Rehearsing sequencing of movement
What is muscular atrophy?
Shrinkage of muscle in diameter, muscle loose contractile protein and weaken
-Can happen due to non use of muscle, not using muscle for as long period of time
What is muscular dystrophy?
Genetic disorder that produces progressive deterioration of skeletal muscle. Genetic disorder
What are signs and symptoms of muscle dystrophy?
Weakness with frequent falling at 2-3 years old
-Abnormal posture, scoliosis, cardiomyopathy, basically every muscle in the body is week
-Ineffective cough leading to more frequent infections
-Death will occur due to respiratory or cardiac involvemtn
What is myasthenia gravis?
-Disorder at neuromuscular junction that affects communication between motorneuron and muscle cells.
-Episodes of muscle weakness and being easily fatigue
-Acetylochtine can not bind to be able to ingage the muscle in movement, Autoimmune.Antibodies w cell mediated destruction of acetelycohline making it hard to bind
-Will complain muscle gets worse with activity and better with west
What are signs and symptoms of myasthenia gravis?
Ptosis(one eye lid will be down)
-Diplopia(Double vision)
-Muscle weaken after using muscle
-Milkmaid grips, hand gripwill go back and fourth between weak and normal
What is peripheral neurophathy?
Umbrella term to describe any disorder in the peripheral nerve
-You will see muscle weakness with or without atrophy and sensory changes
-Can involve one nerve or multiple nerve
-Symptoms will include skin, nails and hair changes, motor nerve damage, painful cramps,mucle loss, Fasciculations(Musclecontractions) Bone degeneration
What are mononeuropathies?
Involving single nerve damage
-Localized condition from trauma, compression or infections that effect a single spinal nerve,plexus or peripheral trunk
What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
-Compression type of neuropathy due to receptive motion
-Since motion is receptive to a specific part of the hand the nerve gets pinched
-You will have pain, numbness, parathesia, Pain getting worse at night, weak grip
What is polyneuropathy?
-Multiple peripheral nerves that lead to symmetric sensory, motor or mixed sensorimotor defects
-Could be caused by immune mechanism(Guillain-Barre syndrome
-Toxic agents(Arsenic, alcohol,lead)
-Metabolic diseases(Diabetes mellitus, uremia
What is Guillain -Barre syndrome?
-Acute-meditated polyneuropathy
-Will have pain from bottom and moving up the body, can involve respiratory muscle
-Postural hypotension, urinary retention
Viral infection triggers autoimmune destruction of the myelins sheath, in peripheral ns
What is basal ganglia?
Help with control of movement
What are characteristics of disorders of the basal ganglia?
-Involuntary movements
-Alterations of muscle tone
-Disturbances in body posture
What is parkinson disease?
-Degenerative disorder of basal ganglia resulting in tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia
Clinical syndorme is Parkinsonism
What are signs and symptoms of Parkinson disease?
-Resting tremor: flapping of hand at rest
-Slow movements: bradykinesia
-Postural instability: Stooped posture
-Dementia :Not being able to process ifnormation correctly
-Sleep disorder
What is AlS?
-Neurological disorder that affects motor function
Signs and symptoms include:
-Hard to speak, swallow, grasp objects, move and breathe
-Brain loses connection with muscle, affecting upper and lower motor neurons
What is multiple sclerosis ?
-Demyelinating disease of cns
-Periods where things get worse and better
What is spinal cord injury/?
-Damage to neural elements of spinal cords
could be cause by accident, stabbing, gun shot
-Affects will be sensory and motot function