Australien og New Zealand Flashcards
Hvilke(n) drue(r) laves der hovedsagligt vine på i Barossa Valley?
Nævn de store producenter som står for 80% af produktionen af al vin i Australien
Lindeman´s, Penfolds, Rosemount, Hardy´s, Yellow Tail, Jacobs Creek
For New Zewland GI Auckland fortæl om
- Lokation
- Klima
- Druer
Northern tip of North Island
Warm + humid Maritime
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot
Nævn regioner/vinområder i New Zealand syd-ø
- Nelson
- Marlborough
- Canterbury/Waipera Valley
- Central Otago
In New Zealand, if a bottle of wine has a stated vintage on the label what minimum percent must the wine be from that vintage?
Hvad er de(n) mest plantede drue(r) i Australien?
Shiraz og Cabernet SauvignonChardonnay og Sauvignon Blanc
Nævn de 4 primære grønne druer i Australia?
Sauvignon Blanc
Hvad er Tasmanien især kendt for?
Mousserende vine
For Barossa Valley GI fortæl om
- Klima
- Druer
- Viticulture
Shiraz, Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon
Exceedingly old vines, never had phylloxera
Australia’s Label Integrity Program has a sweeping requirement of what minimum percent for grape, vintage, and region if stated on a label?
For New Zewland GI Marlborough fortæl om
- Klima
- Druer
Long growing season: dry, cool yet very sunny
Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir
What are the wine styles made in Victoria?
For New Zewland GI Wairarapa fortæl om
- Lokation
- Druer
Southernmost part of North Island
Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir
En region i NSW er kendt for en speciel type vin. Hvilken?
Hunter Valley, som er kendt for deres Semillon hvidvine hvor druer høstes tidligt og dermed har en meget høj syre, der gør dem ekstremt lagringsegnede
For Clare Valley GI fortæl om
- Klima
- Druer
- Højde
Warm Continental (diurnal shifts, so natural acidity remains high)
1300 - 1800 ft asl
Riesling, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon
Riesling vinified dry!
Hvad er de 5 primære blå druer i Australia?
Shiraz (most important) Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Grenache Pinot Noir
For New Zewland GI Canterbury fortæl om
- Klima
- Druer
Cool Continental
Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir
Australia’s embrace of innovation helps it lead the world in new packaging.
What sorts of packaging will you see on Australian wines?
Bag-in-Box (BiB)
Screw caps
Crown caps on sparkling wines
With Australia being so hot and dry, it has no trouble ripening grapes.
What is the consequence of achieving such high levels of ripeness?
Lack of natural acidity in the grapes
Most Australian producers, especially the industrial ones, will have to acidify their wines to balance the grapes’ ripeness.
Hvad hedder de 6 stater i Australia?
Western Territory Northern Territory South Australia Queensland New South Wales Victoria
Sauvignon Blanc accounts for __% of all vines planted in Marlborough.
What are the climates of the South Island NZ?
Northern part of the South Island: Cool
Southern part of the South Island: Continental
In the past, Australian winemakers used to heavily favor oak from __, but in recent years they’ve begun to use __ oak.
Past: American oak
Recent: French oak
For New Zewland GI Gisborne fortæl om
- Klima
- Druer
Cool Maritime
Chardonnay, Pinot Gris (white grapes!)
Hvordan inddeles vinområder i Australien?
Stat/Zone/Region/underregionZone kan strække sig over flere stater og region kan ligge i flere zoner
For Eden Valley GI fortæl om
- Klima
- Druer
- Vinstile
Cool, high elevation (natural acidity remains high in grapes)
Riesling, Chardonnay, Shiraz
Its Rieslings are vinified dry
What are the climates of the North Island NZ?
Northern part of the North Island: Warm - some areas being humid, some dry
Southern part of the North Island: Maritime
Nævn 2 områder i Victoria hvor der er “koldklima”
Yarra Valley og Mornington Peninsula hvor der dyrkes hhv Pinot Noir og Chardonnay
Hvilken druen bliver mest forbundet med Hunter Valley?
Hvad er de mest dyrkede druer i New Zealand?
Sauvignon Blanc (63%) og Pinot Noir (15%) samt Chardonnay (9%)
Hvad er de(n) dominerende drue(r) i Marlborough?
Sauvignon Blanc
What are the 4 regions to know on New Zealand’s North Island?
Hawke’s Bay
Hvad hedder vinloven i Australien?
Geographical Indications (GIs)
What are the 2 main white grapes of New Zealand?
Sauvignon Blanc
What is the important subregion of Wairarapa?
What grape is it known for?
Pinot Noir
For New Zewland GI Hawke’s Bay fortæl om
- Klima
- Druer
Moderate Maritime
Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc
Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah
Nævn regioner/vinområder i New Zealand nord-ø
- Auckland
- Northland
- Waikato/Bay of Plenty
- Gisborne
- Hawke´s Bay
- Wairarapa (Martinborough)
The largest wine region in Australia is __ GI.
Riverina GI
Hvad er Rutherglen?
Et vinområde i Victoria hvor der produceres søde hedvine (på Muscat Rouge a Petit Grains)
Hvilke 2 stater står for ca 70% af den samlede vinproduktion i Australien?
South Australia (50%) og Victoria (18%). Dog står New South Wales for 29%
For McLaren Vale GI fortæl om
- Klima
- Druer
. Viticulture
Warm Mediterranean, moderated by cool sea breezes
Shiraz, Grenache
Vineyards planted on slopes facing the sea to take advantage of the sea breezes
Riverina GI is responsible for what percent of Australia’s total wine production?
I hvilke regioner dominerer Chardonnay i New Zealand?
Waikato/Bay of Plenty, Hawke´s Bay og Gisborne (alle på nordøen)
What are 2 important GIs of New South Wales?
Hunter Valley / Hunter GI
Riverina GI
Hvilke(n) drue(r) laves der vine på i McLaren Vale?
GSM blends samt C Sauvignon
Hvad er Coonawarra?
Område i South Australia som er kendt for deres rødvine lavet på Cabernet Sauvignon
The huge Southeastern Australia GI consists of all or parts of which 5 states?
Tasmania Victoria South Australia New South Wales Queensland
In New Zealand, if a bottle of wine has a stated grape what minimum percent of the wine must that grape be?
What appellation system does New Zealand employ as of February 2019?
Geographical Indication (GI)
For Margaret River GI fortæl om
- Klima
- Grønne druer
- Røde druer
Warm Maritime, moderated by breezes off the Indian Ocean
Chardonnay, Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Shiraz
What are 3 important GIs in Victoria?
Yarra Valley GI
Rutherglen GI
Murray-Darling GI
What are the 3 biggest GIs of New Zealand?
New Zealand GI
North Island GI
South Island GI
For New Zewland GI Central Otago fortæl om
- Klima
- Druer
Cool Continental, with low humidity
Pinot Noir
Nævn 2 områder i South Australia som er kendt for vine på en drue (hvilken?) som ikke er typisk for Australien
Clare og Eden Valley som producerer Riesling vine som allerede i en ung alder har “petroleums-noter” (pga varme) og derudover høj syre og alkohol samt noter af lime og tropiske frugter
What are the 4 main red grapes of New Zealand?
Pinot Noir
Cabernet Sauvignon
For GI Rutherglen GI fortæl om
- Klima
- Druer
- Vinstile
Continental (hot summers!)
Muscadelle, Shiraz, Brown Muscat
Still wines and Fortified wines
In New Zealand, if a bottle of wine has a stated GI on the label what minimum percent of the wine come from that GI?
What is the hierarchy of Australian GIs from largest to smallest?
Country: Australia (if a wine has just "Australia" as its appellation, it means the grapes came from anywhere in Australia) Southeastern Australia State of Origin (e.g. Victoria) Zones (which can cross several states) Regions Sub-Regions
What are 5 important GIs in South Australia?
Of these, which one is known for its premium wines?
Barossa Valley GI Eden Valley GI McLaren Vale GI Clare Valley GI Coonawara GI
For Coonawarra GI fortæl om
- Klima
- Jordbund
- Druer
Cool Mediterranean
Terra Rossa, an iron-rich soil over limestone
Cabernet Sauvignon
What are the 3 regions to know on New Zealand’s South Island?
Central Otago