ARTS Major Roles in a Theatrical Production Flashcards
Major Roles in a Theatrical Production
- The Director
- actors
- The Choreographer
- The Stage Manager
- Production Manager
- Set Designer
- Light Designer
They lead rehearsals and determine stage blocking.
The Director
are responsible for the main vision of the production.
The Director
deliver the script, work with the director to determine relationships with the other
characters, and strive to fulfill the pacing and tempo decisions of the director.
They must interpret the
script and the character relationships.
The Director
He or she is responsible for assisting in the creation of a
unified look throughout all the above areas.
Production Manager
works in consultation with the director and the production manager to
articulate the primary vision of the production through the design and creation of sets.
Set Designer
in consultation with the director, oversees the development of set,
prop, costume, makeup, lights, and sound.
Production Manager
He or she is the person who creates dance compositions and plans and arranges dance
movements and patterns for dances, especially ballets.
The Choreographer
is responsible for servicing, hanging, color filtering, and focusing lighting
instruments to meet the design specifications developed by the Technical Director.
The Light Crew
are responsible for the running of the stage during production.
The Stage Manager
They are
required to call for the cueing of lights, sounds, sets, props, and actors during the show.
The Stage Manager
Sets can be
realistic or implied, giving the audience a sense of where the action of the play is taking place.
Set Designer
can be
realistic or implied, giving the audience a sense of where the action of the play is taking place.
The Light Crew is responsible for servicing, hanging, color filtering, and focusing lighting
instruments to meet the design specifications developed by the Technical Director.
Light Designer