what are the 3 types of fibres in white matter?
- association fibres
- commissural fibres
- projectio fibres
what are association fibres?
fibres that connect one area of the cortex with another in the same hemisphere
what are 2 examples of association fibres?
- superior longitudinal fasciculus
- inferior longitudinal fasciculus
what are commissural fibres?
fibres that connect the cortex of one hemisphere with the opposite hemisphere
what are 2 examples of commissural fibres?
corpus callosum
anterior commissure
the superior longitudinal fibres and inferior longitudinal fibres are what type of fibres?
association fibres
the corpus callosum and anterior commissure are what type of white matter fibre?
commissural fibres
what are projection fibres?
fibres that connect the cortex with subcortical regions (thalamus, basal, ganglia, brainstem, spinal cord)
what are two examples of projection fibres?
corona radiata
internal capsule
the corona radiata and internal capsule are examples of what white matter fibre?
projection fibres
what is the basal ganglia?
collection of nuclei within the cerebral hemisphere involvede in the control of movement and posture
what is the diencephalon?
The diencephalon is the central portion of the brain located around the third ventricle, superior to the brainstem and inferior to the corpus callosum and cerebral cortex.
what feature can be seen on the dorsal surface of the pons?
floor of fourth ventricle
how many spinal segments are there?
what are the different spinal segments?
- 8 cervical
- 12 thoracic
- 5 lumbar
- 5 sacral
- 1 coccygeal
where is the pineal gland located?
Label the basal ganglia
Label the brainstem
Label the caudal pons
Label the cranial nerve nuclei
Label the diencephalon
Label the brainstem
Label the dorsal medulla
Label the dorsal midbrain
Label the dorsal pons
Label the limbic system
Label the projection fibres
Label the spinal cord
Label this transverse section of the spinal cord
Label the spinal meninges
Label the midbrain
Label the ventral medulla
Label the ventral midbrain
Label gbe white matter