ANATOMY - All diagrams Flashcards
Label the circle of willis
label blood supply to cerebrum
Label the ventricles
Birds eye view
Label the layers of the meninges
label the ventricles
Label this sagittal section of the rural venous sinuses
Label this diagram of the Dural sinuses
Label the falx cerebri
Label the tentorium cerebelli
label the falx cerebelli
Label the diaphragms sellae
label the meninges layers
label the brainstem
label the cortex
label the role of each region
label the: forebrain; midbrain; hindbrain
label the limbic system
label the gyrus + sulci
label the ventricular system
label this vertebrae
label this vertebrae
label this vertebrae
Label this ligament
Label these ligaments
Label the spinal nerve
label the bones of the orbit
Label the major openings into the orbit
Label the extraocular muscles
Label the muscles of the upper eye
Label the eye movements
Label the eye
Label the Chambers of the eye
Label the vascular layers
Label the lacrimal apparatus
label the arterial supply to the nose
Label the concha and meatus
Label the innervation of the septum
Label the openings found on the llateral wall of the nose
Label the bones of the septum
Label the parts of the ear
Label the membranous labyrinth
Label the cochlear
label the bony labyrinth
Label this diagram showing the mastkid air cells
Label the bones of the middle ear
Label this diagram of the middle ear
Label the muscles of the inner ear
Label the auricle
Label the tympanic membrane
label the pharynx
label these pharyngeal muscles
Label the diagram of the posterior pharynx
LabEl waldeyers ring
Label the cartilage in the larynx
Label the external ligaments of the larynx
Label the infrahyoid muscles
Label the laryngeal membranes
Label the larynx
Label this posterior view of the larynx
Label this posterior view of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx
Label the intrinsic muscles of the larynx
Label the suprahyoid muscles
Label the branches of the vagus nerve
Label the cochlea
Label the cochlea
Label the visual pathway
Label the vestibular pathway
label the anterior distal femur
label the fibula
label the intercondylar tubercles of the tibia
label the patella
label the posterior distal femur
label the posterior proximal femur
label the anterior proximal femur
label the tibia
label the shaft of the femur
label the arches of the foot
label the cross section of the transverse arch of the foot:
label the bones of the foot
label the tarsal bones
label the metatarsal bones
label the arteries of the lower limb
label the superficial veins of the leg
label the deep veins of the leg
label this diagram of parotid innervation
label this diagram that includes the parotid gland
label these two muscles
label the pterygoids
label these muscles
label these facial muscles
label this muscle
what is this muscle?
what is this muscle?
corrugator supercilii
label these muscles
label these muscles
label these muscles
label these muscles
label these muscles
label these muscles
label these muscles
label these muscles
label these muscles
label these muscles of the tongue
label the tongue
label these muscles of the tongue
label the tongue papilla
label this diagram of the tongue
label the arterial supply of the face and neck
label the branches of the internal and external carotid arteries
label the lymph nodes
label the lymph nodes
label the branches of the trigeminal nerve
label the venous drainage of the head and neck
label the muscles of the anterior leg
label this muscle
label the deep muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg
label the superficial muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg
what muscle is this?
extensor digitorum brevis
what muscle is this?
extensor hallucis brevis
label the muscles in the first layer of the plantar aspect of the foot
label the muscles in the second layer of the plantar aspect of the foot
label the muscles in the third layer of the plantar aspect of the foot?
label the muscles in the 4th layer of the plantar aspect of the foot
label these foot movements
label the contents of the popliteal fossa
label the borders of the popliteal fossa
label this diagram, focussing specifically on the gluteal muscles
label this diagram
label thos diagram, focussing on the deep gluteal muscles
label the contents of the femoral triangle