5008 Accident Review Board (safety) Flashcards
Any collision, reviewable incident or deliberate occurrence L.D. meeting one or more of the following criteria:
1. The employee involved has shown willful violation of any law, regulation or order made or given by a superior officer.
2. The employee involved has shown negligence in the operation of the vehicle, apparatus or specialty trailer or violation of TFD policy.
3. The employee involved was under the influence of substance(s) taken into
the body in any form, which impaired his/her mental faculties and/or physical performance, including alcohol and controlled substances.
a. This does not apply to a person who used prescription drugs as directed by a physician or dentist, provided such use does not endanger the employee or others.
A written document referring to a specific subjec
Any incident, collision or deliberate occurrence L.D. involving the operation of a vehicle, apparatus or specialty trailer in which the employee either did not take appropriate defensive action to avoid the accident or failed to exercise the standard of care required under the circumstances to protect the safety of self or others, property or equipment.
The minimum number of ARB members who must be present in order to proceed with an ARB ruling. For the purposes of this document, that number is four (4) voting members plus the ARB Chair.
Reviewable Incident
Any incident wherein it is determined that the action and/or inaction of TFD personnel may have been the cause of the accident.
Road Hazard Incident
Any reported incident wherein it is determined that a small object was thrown from a tire or fell off of a moving TFD or private vehicle, apparatus and/or specialty trailer or similar type circumstance and causes minor damage.
Any collision, incident or deliberate occurrence L.D. involving the vehicle, apparatus or specialty trailer wherein injury or damage to people, property or equipment occurs through no fault of the employee.
Working days
For the purposes of this document, a working day is defined as Monday through Friday, 0800 to 1700 hours, excluding holidays
Who shall be responsible for
Performing a primary review of:
a. ARB meeting minutes.
b. All reports and recommendations submitted by the ARB.
3. Attending ARB meetings whenever possible.
The Assistant Chief of Administration
The Safety Captain or his/her designee shall be responsible for
- Serving as Chair of the ARB or designating a Chair as necessary.
- Issuing Bulletins with ARB meeting minutes.
- Maintaining this document.
The Safety Captain or his/her designee shall review and classify all accidents involving TFD vehicles, apparatus and/or specialty trailers as one of the following
a. Collision.
b. Incident.
c. Deliberate Occurrence L.D. (Line of Duty).
The Safety Captain or his/her designee shall further classify accidents deemed to be incidents as one of the following
a. Road Hazard.
b. No Fault.
c. Unfounded.
d. Vandalism.
e. Reviewable.
The Safety Captain or his/her designee shall refer the following accident
classifications to the ARB for further action:
a. Collision.
b. Reviewable incident.
c. Deliberate Occurrence L.D. (Line of Duty).
The ARB shall make one of the following rulings for each accident reviewed
a. Unpreventable.
b. Preventable.
c. Chargeable-Preventable.
The ARB shall Meet
When necessary, on the second Wednesday of each month.
The ARB shall
Send a copy of the written decision to the Fire Chief for a final ruling.
The ARB shall Forward additional copies of the final ruling to
i. The employee’s Battalion Chief or Supervisor.
ii. The appropriate Deputy Chief.
iii. The employee’s personnel file.
iv. City Risk Manager’s office.
The ARB shall be composed of
a. The Assistant Chief of Administration (Chair).
b. The Safety Captain (voting member).
c. Representatives from TFD Administration (voting members).
d. Representatives from IAFF Local #31 (Labor) (voting members).
e. TFD Incident Safety Officers (non-voting members).
The Assistant Chief of Administration may designate another representative from TFD Administration to serve as
ARB Chair in his/her absence.
The Assistant Chief of Administration or his/her designated Chair shall function as the
tie breaker in the event of a tie vote.
An employee may appeal the ARB ruling to the Fire Chief by submitting a written appeal, in memorandum format, to the Fire Chief within
ten (10) working days of receipt of the ruling.