1005 Absence From Work (ADMINISTRATION) Flashcards
Who acts as a liaison and coordinating with Human Resources staff, TFD staff, and employees regarding all Workers’ Compensation issues, off–the–job injury and illness sick leave, PTO, PTU, FMLA, other attendance related issues and the Tacoma Firefighters Disability and Pension Board (Pension Board).
The Assigned Administrative Chief
All Battalion Chiefs shall be responsible for?
Ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of the TFD sick line (KISS line)
reporting system.
Contacting employees who are sick or injured more than two consecutive shifts to determine status and expected return to work date.
Who maintains document 1005
Absence From Work
The Assigned Administrative Chief
Deputy Chief, Administration Bureau
The TFD timekeeper shall be responsible for?
- Identifying absences in excess of four working days or two 24-hour shifts.
- Reporting those absences to the Deputy Chief of Administration and City Risk Management personnel.
Define Bureau Chief?
Deputy Chief charged with oversight of one of TFD’s Bureaus.
Absence from work is what policy number
Define Chief Officer?
Uniformed personnel holding the rank of Battalion Chief, Medical Services Officer, FCC Manager, Assistant Chief, Deputy Chief, or Fire Chief.
Define FMLA?
Family Medical Leave Act.
Define “LEOFF I members with prior rights”?
individuals employed under the old 41.18 pension act and actively employed on March 1, 1970, when LEOFF I came into existence.
Define “LEOFF I members with no prior rights”
individuals hired after March 1, 1970 and prior to October 1, 1977.
Define “LEOFF II members”
individuals hired on or after October 1, 1977.
Define “MFR”?
Medical Fitness Report.
Define “PTU”?
Personal time off—Unplanned.
What are Unacceptable patterns of absence?
Employees who go into “leave without pay” status due to frequent and/or unexplained, unprotected absences
Employees who use sick leave or PTU:
a. Immediately prior to, in between, or after an off shift period, vacation, holiday or a shift trade.
b. When no shift trade could be secured.
c. When vacation/holiday time was requested but not available.
d. When a shift falls on a debit day, holiday, or day before, during, or after a weekend.
All TFD employees who are absent from work for more than four working days or two 24–hour shifts shall?
a. Obtain an MFR stating the reason for their absence and signed by his/her HCP.
b. Immediately deliver the MFR in person or by fax to TFD Headquarters prior to returning to duty.
c. Provide any additional MFR documentation as requested by TFD Administration.
Is there a “minimum leave balance”
There is no “minimum leave balance” that will automatically trigger disciplinary action or HCP verification.
What form will LEOFF 1 employees submit for absence.
- LEOFF I employees shall submit a PER 879 to their supervisor with a written explanation for the absence, for each absence.
- Any absence of more than four working days or two 24–hour shifts requires an HCP signature on the PER 879.
a. This form must be submitted within one week of going off–duty
Who certifies the absences of LEOFF I employees for personal illness or injury.
The Pension Board
LEOFF I employees shall not return to full duty after an absence of more than 30 days without a?
FIR 139 completed by an HCP.
How are FCC and uniformed day shift personnel charged sick leave?
FCC and uniformed day shift personnel shall be charged sick leave hour-for-hour for the time they are off.
Who Monitors Sick Leave and PTU Usage?
TFD Bureau Chiefs and Division Chiefs shall monitor sick leave, PTO, and PTU usage within their respective bureaus and divisions.
Is FMLA paid leave?
How long are eligible employees entitled to?
Eligible employees are entitled to up to 12 weeks of leave during a calendar year for their own serious health condition and that of qualified family members.
When are you eligible to take FMLA?
An employee may take FMLA if they have worked for the City at least 12 months (52 weeks) and was employed at least 1,250 hours in the preceding 12–month period.
How much advance notice is required for all foreseeable leave?
Thirty (30) days’ advance notice is required for all foreseeable leave.
a. When the leave is not known or foreseeable 30 days in advance, notice is required as soon as the need becomes known.
Who processes FMLA leave requests.
The City’s Human Resources Department processes FMLA leave requests.
In the case of unforeseen emergencies how do you give notice for FMLA?
This notice can be verbal, followed by the proper FMLA paperwork within 15 days of receiving forms from the Human Resources
If you return to work and then must return to OJI status for the same injury shall immediately contact?
a. Deputy Chief of Administration
b. City’s Workers’ Compensation Coordinator
How many days do you need to be off to get sick leave credited back?
14 days
In regards Workers’ Compensation.
What percentage of those first three days is
credited back to the employee.
Who do you submit requests for leave without pay?
Fire Chief.
When circumstances warrant, the Fire Chief may grant a leave of absence without pay for how long?
a. For a period not to exceed 15 calendar days in any one calendar year OR,
b. For up to one year at their discretion, when granting such leave is in the best interests of the City.
Fire Chief may grant an extension of a leave without pay for how long?
The Fire Chief may grant an extension of a leave without pay for a specified period of time, not to exceed six months, upon the written
submission of such a request from the employee.
For Military Caregiver Leave Employees are entitled to a combined total of?
Employees using this leave are entitled to a combined total of 26 weeks of all types of FMLA leave in a single 12–month period in accordance with
29 CFR 825.102.
If the KISS line is not operational who do you contact?
If the KISS line is not operational, contact the on–duty Battalion 1 Chief.
a. If Battalion 1 is not available, contact the on–duty Battalion 2 or 3 Chief.
Who and when do Headquarters staff contact for absence?
Headquarters staff—Call/email supervisor at Headquarters prior to 0730 hours
Who and when does trading staff call for absence?
Training staff—Call Training prior to 0700 hours
Who and when does Prevention Division staff contact for absence?
Prevention Division staff—Follow guidelines set forth in TFD
Policy 6603.
Who and when do Electrical Maintenance staff contact for absence?
Electrical Maintenance staff—Call Electrical Supervisor prior to
0700 hours.
Who and when does Garage staff contact for absence?
Garage staff—Call Garage Supervisor prior to 0700 hours.
PER 879
Application for Sick and/or Disability Benefits (for LEOFF I)
FIR 139
Physician’s Report on Tacoma Fire Department Employee (for LEOFF I)
Self–Insurer Accident Report Form (for LEOFF II and Non-uniformed)