3517 Requests for Air Transport (ems Operations) Flashcards
What policy number is Requests for Air Transport
3517 ems operations
Who is responsible for:
- Contacting the receiving facility as requested by the helicopter crew
- Providing an appropriate and timely patient report to the receiving facility
The Lieutenant/Paramedic or In-charge Paramedic
The Landing Zone Supervisor shall be responsible for?
1. Establishing and maintaining communication with the Fire Communications Center (FCC) and the Airlift NW helicopter until the operation is completed 2. Set up the landing zone in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document 3. Assess and maintain the safety of the landing zone
Designated Landing Zone
An established site for helicopters to land that meets specific criteria and is pre-approved by qualified personnel.
Define Landing Zone (LZ)
A site for loading and unloading patient from a helicopter.
Non-designated Landing Zone.
A site established according to the specifics of an incident that meets all the designated landing zone criteria and is approved by
the Incident Commander.
Positive contact.
Direct radio communications and/or hand signals between the helicopter pilot and landing zone personnel prior to landing.
Prior to airlift transport TFD personnel shall?
a. Package all trauma patients with a long backboard (LBB), cervical
collar and head bed before transport
b. Decontaminate all patients exposed to hazardous materials prior to loading on a helicopter
Airlift NW personnel will NOT
a. Land the helicopter without first making positive contact with ground unit(s)
b. Take riders
Patient assessment for air transport also shall take the following into consideration:
a. Patient height and weight, particularly those who weigh more than 300 pounds and/or whose height is greater than 6 feet
b. Equipment used (e.g., traction splint)
c. Exposure to hazardous materials that could affect the pilot and crew
If Airlift NW is not able to respond, the Incident Commander shall
request dispatch of the most rapid ground transport.
LZ Supervisor shall notify FCC of the following actions
a. Helicopter contact established
b. Helicopter touchdown
c. Patient transfer complete
d. Helicopter departure
e. Scene and landing zone secure
If the Incident Commander chooses to use a non-designated landing zone it must meet the following criteria
a. 15’ x 15’ landing gear touchdown area
b. 60’ x 60’ for daytime landing or 100’ x 100’ for nighttime landing
c. Clear of obstructions and overhead wires
d. Less than 10 degrees of slope
e. Free of loose debris, dust, sand, etc.
In addition, the Incident Commander shall take the following into
consideration when choosing to use a non-designated landing zone
a. Weather
b. Activities (e.g., sports events)
c. Wind direction (helicopters take off and land into the wind)
d. Access (e.g., arterials, locked gates)
For non essential personnel the LZ Supervisor shall maintain perimeter of
Maintain a 200’ perimeter for non-essential personnel
For essential personnel the LZ supervisor shall maintain a perimeter of?
Maintain a 100’ perimeter for essential personnel
Mark the outer boundaries of the landing zone with?
orange cones
LZ supervisor shall Ensure the landing zone is properly lite by?
i. Red rig lights adjacent to the landing zone to assist pilot in locating it
ii. Flashlights under cones at nights to illuminate four corners and wind direction
iii. All white lights (e.g., headlights) turned OFF during landing and takeoff
iv. No spotlights on overhead hazards
v. No white strobes lights or flashes
Who is responsible for maintaining this document.
Assistant Chief of Emergency Medical Services
In the Landing Zone TFD personnel shall?
a. Wait for rotor blades to stop
b. Wait for helicopter crew to signal for approach
c. If directed to approach, do so at a 45° angle from the nose of the helicopter while maintaining eye contact with the pilot
d. Approach and depart from the downhill side of the helicopter
After the helicopter departs, LZ Supervisor shall
a. Maintain a secure landing zone with all personnel and emergency
equipment for five (5) minutes, if possible.
i. Stay on the designated radio frequency during this time.