5005 Safety Committee (safety) Flashcards
Who is responsible for Responding directly or through a designee to an employee after?
a. The employee has submitted a written safety suggestion/complaint to the Safety Committee; and
b. The Safety Committee has forwarded a written, action recommendation to the Fire Chief regarding the employee’s suggestion/complaint
Who is responsible for:
- Performing a primary review of–
a. Safety Committee meeting minutes
b. All reports and recommendations submitted by the Safety Committee - Attending Safety Committee meetings whenever possible
The Deputy Chief of Support Services
Who is responsible for :
- Serving as Chair of the Safety Committee
- Issuing Bulletins with Safety Committee meeting minutes
- Forwarding Safety Committee recommendations to the Fire Chief
- Maintaining this policy document
The Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety
The Administrative Safety Lieutenant shall be responsible for
- Attending Safety Committee meetings
- Recording Safety Committee meeting minutes
- Assisting the Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety as needed
IDC format
Intradepartmental Communication; a written document referring to a specific subject sent internally within the Fire Department.
HRE 002 reports are reviewed by?
The Safety Committee shall
What policy number is Safety Committee
5005 safety
The Safety Committee shall review any use of a Two In/Two Out exception by TFD personnel to include:
a. Reviewing the initial attack team’s written report of a Two In/Two Out exception
b. Further investigation as necessary
c. Determining whether the initial attack team was justified in using the exemption
d. Submitting a written report of the findings to the Fire Chief In IDC format
The Safety Committee shall review any use of an exception to IMS procedures by TFD personnel including, but not limited to
reviewing procedure exceptions related to assuming command as the second company on-scene.
The Safety Committee shall review any use of an exception to IMS procedures by TFD personnel including, but not limited to, reviewing procedure exceptions related to assuming command as the second company
on-scene. This review shall include:
a. Further investigation as necessary
b. Determination of whether use of the exception was justified
c. Written report of findings submitted to the Fire Chief in IDC format
The Safety Committee shall be comprised of
a. Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety
b. Representatives from Administration
c. Representatives from Labor
The number of members designated by Labor should equal the number of
members selected by Administration.
In no case shall the number of members designated by Labor be
less than the number of members selected by Administration.
Incident Safety Officers (ISO) shall
attend Safety Committee meeting when
on duty.
The Safety Committee shall meet
The Safety Committee shall meet the first Tuesday of each month.
The Safety Committee shall meet for at least
The Safety Committee shall meet for at least one hour per quarter.
How many shall be present in order for the Safety Committee to conduct business.
A quorum of at least five committee members, including the Chair
Special meetings may be held at the request of
Either Labor or Administration.
The minutes of each meeting shall be recorded taken by
the Safety Office Lieutenant or another person designated by the Safety Committee Chair.
Safety Committee minutes shall be distributed in Bulletin form as follows
a. Fire Chief
b. All TFD stations and facilities for posting on the Safety Bulletin Board
c. City Safety Office