5006 Vehicle, Apparatus and Specialty Trailer Safety (safety) Flashcards
What policy number is Vehicle, Apparatus and Specialty Trailer Safety
5006 safety
Who is responsible for:
- Ensuring TFD personnel maintain EVIP certification
- Maintaining this document
The Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety
The Station 15 Captain shall be responsible for
scheduling and documenting pump testing on all TFD apparatus, excluding the fireboats.
TFD Electrical Division personnel shall be responsible for
repairing and/or replacing remote opener equipment for station and facility bay doors in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document.
Roadways comprised of one main thoroughfare that may or may not
have the same name for its entire length.
Class I Life Safety Harness.
A safety belt that fastens around the waist and is used to keep a firefighter in place on a ladder or aerial device.
Emergency vehicle incident prevention (formerly known as EVAP - emergency vehicle accident prevention); a training program and certification process required to operate an emergency vehicle in excess of 26,000 pounds.
Negative right-of-way intersection
Any intersection controlled by a stop sign,
yield sign, yellow traffic light or red traffic light where all visible traffic in all lanes cannot be accounted for therefore requiring the driver to come to a complete stop before going through it.
Specialty trailer.
Mobile TFD equipment that includes, but is not limited to, the MMRS trailer, spill trailer, decontamination trailer, FCC trailer or light trailer.
A TFD automobile, van, sport utility vehicle (SUV) or light truck (e.g., staff car, Fire Investigator’s vehicle or a Battalion Chief vehicle) which may or may not be equipped for priority response, depending upon its intended use.
Wheel blocks shall be rated by the manufacturer for use on the apparatus
for which they are being deployed the exception to this is
TFD apparatus under 20,000 pounds gross
vehicle weight
Upon notification from the Officer of a stuck vehicle, apparatus and/or specialty trailer, FCC personnel shall
a. Contact Fire Garage personnel for assistance
b. Notify the appropriate Battalion Chief
TFD employees shall not
a. Don or doff turnout coats, pants or boots while the vehicle or apparatus is in motion
b. Be in an engine’s hose bed while the apparatus is in forward motion and the hose is being deployed from the hose bed
c. Ride on tailboards, sidesteps or running boards
TFD personnel are prohibited from
a. Using I-Pods, MP-3s, Blackberries and/or similar devices while driving TFD vehicles, apparatus and/or specialty trailers
b. Eating or drinking while driving TFD vehicles, apparatus and/or specialty trailers
c. Sounding the air horn(s) and siren(s), except during priority response and other circumstances as necessary and appropriate
d. Parking on sidewalks or private driveways
1. Medic units responding at emergency incidents are the exception to this.
TFD vehicles or apparatus shall not respond in priority response mode while
towing a specialty trailer.
When the first arriving TFD unit reports on the scene with “nothing showing” or an equivalent report, all additional responding units shall continue responding priority in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document, but shall not
exceed the posted speed limit.
The posted speed limit may be exceeded only when all of the following conditions are present
a. Light traffic
b. Roads are in good repair
c. Good visibility
d. Dry pavement
TFD drivers may exceed the posted speed limit only under the following
circumstances and only as long as the vehicle or apparatus does not endanger life or property
a. When traffic conditions require TFD vehicles or apparatus to travel in the center or oncoming traffic lanes the maximum speed shall be 20 miles per hour.
b. When traveling on arterials the maximum allowable speed shall be 10 miles per hour over the posted speed limit, if conditions allow.
Crew members shall be allowed in the hose bed of a moving apparatus only when the apparatus is in forward motion traveling to the next roll of hose.
a. When this occurs:
- Crew members in the hose bed shall be sitting or kneeling
- The maximum speed limit is 5 mph
- No one may ride the tailboard
When loading hose where other vehicle traffic is not present:
a. There shall be a minimum of one safety observer who serves as a safety spotter b. The primary safety spotter shall remain in visual and voice contact with the driver with an unobstructed view of the hose loading operation
When loading hose where other vehicle traffic is present
a. There shall be a minimum of two safety spotters
b. One safety spotter shall serve as the primary spotter, remaining in visual and voice contact with the driver with an unobstructed view of the hose loading operation
c. Another safety spotter shall be responsible for watching for all other vehicle traffic
The Officer or In-charge Firefighter/Paramedic shall make assignments to
ensure that no other vehicle traffic is allowed in
the same lane of travel as the apparatus or in any adjacent lane within the immediate vicinity of the hose loading operation
When an apparatus must be parked unattended outdoors for more than a
few hours in freezing weather, TFD personnel assigned to that apparatus
drain the water from all waterways, valves and ports as well as the pump body and booster tank,
When pumping in freezing weather circulate water through the
booster line in the booster tank to prevent the line from freezing
The remote shall never be mounted
a. On any horizontal surface with the button facing upward
b. On or near the MDC
Officers or In-charge Firefighter/Paramedics shall make replacement requests as follows
a. Monday through Friday, 0800 to 1600 hours, contact the Fire Electrical Division to obtain a replacement remote
b. After hours, weekends or holidays, contact the Fire Communications Center (FCC) to obtain a replacement remote
Aerial equipped apparatus shall not be knowingly positioned under cornices or other loose or unstable overhanging objects that may endanger firefighters working on or climbing the ladder, except
where rescue operations are absolutely essential.
Sand shall be put under jacks and outriggers when
operating on ice or snow.
Firefighters shall not be permitted to
“lock in” on the aerial ladder.
TFD apparatus shall be service tested annually in accordance with
WAC 296-305-04507 and manufacturer recommendations.
Who is responsible for ensuring that TFD
has a program to properly train TFD personnel in vehicle, apparatus and specialty
trailer operation before they are assigned as vehicle and/or apparatus drivers.
The Deputy Chief of Support Services
TFD aerial ladders shall be tested annually in accordance with
WAC 296-305-04509 and manufacturer recommendations.
TFD Captains assigned to ladder companies shall ensure that
10 hour and quarterly aerial inspection, maintenance and cleaning is conducted in
accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines and documented on the appropriate current form, with documentation stored in company files.
TFD personnel assigned to ladder companies shall inspect cables, pulleys,
rails and rungs of aerial ladders for wear and tightness how often?
monthly basis or every ten (10) hours of operating time, whichever comes first.
To signal for Diminishing Clearance at night
hold a flashlight in your upper hand, directing the beam toward the palm of the lower hand; cover the beam with both hands
to indicate STOP