2001 Incident Management System (FIRE OPERATIONS) Flashcards
Who is responsible for Maintaining this document?
Deputy Chief, Operations Bureau
Who is responsible for Developing an Incident Action Plan (IAP)?
Incident Commander
Who is responsible for facilitating
coordination with representatives of other governmental and non-governmental
organizations, private entities and/or the Emergency Coordination Center (ECC)?
Liaison Officer
Who is responsible for supervising the
functional or geographical Branches assigned to them.
Branch Directors
Who is responsible for?
1. Supervising the functional (Group) or geographical (Division) areas of responsibility assigned to them.
- Communicating needs and progress to the Section Chief, Branch Director
or IC as appropriate.
Division and Group Supervisors
Who does the Strike Team and Task Force Leaders report to?
Communicating needs and progress to the Division/Group Supervisor, Branch Director, Section Chief or IC as appropriate.
Who is responsible for:
1. Overseeing all data gathering, including input from building engineers and other technical experts, for analysis related to incident operations.
- Activating and managing the functions of the Resource, Situation, Documentation and Demobilization Units and Technical Specialist(s) as
dictated by the needs of the incident
3.Assemble and document the formal IAP for each operational period when the incident goes beyond a single operational period.
Planning Section Chief
Unit Leaders, when activated, shall be responsible for?
managing assigned Units within a Section or Branch.
Who is responsible for:
1. Providing for all service and support requirements, including management
of the Base, needed to facilitate effective and efficient incident management.
- Activating and managing the Support and Service Branches and/or Units as
dictated by the needs of the incident.
Logistics Section Chief
Personnel assigned to the Communications Unit, when activated, shall be
responsible for?
developing a communications plan (ICS 205) that makes the most effective use of communications equipment and facilities assigned to the incident, including portable radios, spare batteries, cell phones and hard wired systems in
Personnel assigned to the Medical Unit, when activated, shall be responsible for?
- Developing the incident medical plan (ICS 206).
- Providing for medical aid and transport for incident personnel.
- Managing the Rehab area.
Who is responsible for handling financial matters resulting from property loss, injuries or fatalities at an incident.
Compensation/Claims Unit,
Who is responsible for:
- Tracking costs.
- Analyzing cost data.
- Making cost estimates.
- Recommending cost-saving measures.
Cost unit
Personnel assigned to the Procurement Unit, when activated, shall be responsible
handling financial matters related to vendor contracts.
Personnel assigned to the Time Unit, when activated, shall be responsible for?
recording time for incident personnel and hired equipment.
Level of technical capability, qualifications and responsibility subordinate to principal Command Staff positions; also may be assigned to Unit Leaders.
The location from which primary logistics functions are coordinated and administered
The organizational level having functional or geographic responsibility for major aspects of incident operations; situated organizationally between the Section Chief and Division/Group Supervisors.
Command Staff
Consists of Public Information Officer (PIO), Safety Officer, Liaison Officer and other positions as required; all report directly to the Incident Commander and may have an assistant or assistants as needed.
A fully qualified individual who, in the absence of a superior, can be delegated the authority to manage a functional operation or perform a specific task; generally assigned to the IC, General Staff and Branch Directors.
The organizational level having responsibility for operations within a
defined geographic area (e.g., Division 1, North Division); organizationally between the Strike Team/Task Force and Branch levels.
Emergency Coordination Center (ECC)
The physical location from which the
coordination of information and resources to support incident management activities normally takes place.
General Staff
Consists of the Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief and Finance/Administration Section Chief
all of whom report directly to the Incident Commander. The General Staff may be expanded to include an Intelligence/Investigations Chief as necessary and appropriate.
The organizational level having responsibility for operations within a
specific functional area (e.g., water supply group, ventilation group, salvage group); organizationally between the Strike Team/Task Force and Branch levels.
High rise structure
A building with occupied floors more than 75 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
Incident complex
Two or more individual incidents located in the same general area assigned to a single Incident Commander or Unified Command.
Broad classes that characterize like resources (e.g., teams, personnel,
equipment, supplies, vehicles, aircraft).
Mass Casualty Incident (MCI)
An incident scene that includes 3 or more
seriously injured people (triaged as RED) or 5 or more injured people of any
severity (any triage color)
Operational period
The time scheduled for executing a given set of operational actions as specified in the IAP; usually 12–24 hours in length.
The organizational level overseen by General Staff and having responsibility for a major functional area of incident management; situated organizationally between the Branch and Incident Command.
Positioning of apparatus in direction of travel at least one block from the incident scene while retaining the ability to move forward, left or right from that position without backing up.
Size Type Occupancy Percent involvement Additional resources Noteworthy Direction Command
A classification of resources that refers to capability with Type 1 generally considered to be more capable than Types 2, 3, or 4, respectively, because of size, power, capacity or, in the case of incident management teams,experience and qualifications.
The organizational element with functional responsibility for specific incident planning, logistics and/or finance/administration activity.
The priorities for all incidents are?
a. Life safety.
b. Incident stabilization.
c. Property conservation.
d. Protection of the essential environment
Exposures shall be designated as?
a. The nearest exposure to side C is the C exposure, followed in that direction by C1, C2, C3, etc.
Interior Divisions shall be identified by
the building floor number.
Below grade floors or sub-levels shall be designated?
What policy number is Incident Management System (IMS)
2001 (fire operations)
IMS has four major functional Sections which comprise the General Staff, which are?
a. Operations.
b. Planning.
c. Logistics.
d. Finance/Administration
When shall Command be established and announced over the radio.
Command shall be established and announced over the radio on any incident where more than two TFD units are assigned, including MVA and EMS calls.
What is The exception to the second arriving unit assuming Command?
The exception to the second arriving unit assuming Command is if that unit is needed to respond to an immediate life safety tactical priority such as a confirmed rescue.
Assumption of Command is discretionary for?
Assistant Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, and the Fire Chief.
What are the 3 levels of command?
Strategic level
Tactical Level
Task Level
The normal span of control is?
The normal span of control is three (3) to seven (7) Divisions/Groups.
a. In fast moving, complex operations, a span of control of no more than five (5) Divisions/Groups is indicated.
What is the preferred method of communication within a Division/Group?
Face-to-face communication between Company Officers and Divisions/Group Supervisors is the preferred method of communication within a Division/Group to reduce unnecessary radio traffic and increase
the ability to transmit critical radio communications.
The normal span of control for a Division/Group Supervisor is?
The normal span of control for a Division/Group Supervisor is three (3) to
seven (7) companies.
a. In fast moving, complex operations, a span of control of no more than five (5) companies is indicated.
The Command organization may be further subdivided into Branches
a. The Operations Section Chief’s span of control with Divisions/Groups is maximized.
b. The incident is multi-jurisdictional.
c. The incident has two or more distinctly different major management components (e.g., large fire with a major evacuation, large fire with
several patients).
d. Geographical elements necessitate the assignment of Branches to forward positions to manage and coordinate activities.
Radio designation of Branches should be?
a. Based on the Branch objective for functional Branches (e.g., HazMat Branch, Multi-Casualty Branch).
b. Numerical for geographical Branches (e.g., Branch I, Branch II).
Command Staff generally consists of?
a. Public Information Officer (PIO).
b. Safety Officer.
c. Liaison Officer.
General Staff positions include?
a. Operations Section Chief.
b. Planning Section Chief.
c. Logistics Section Chief.
d. Finance/Administration Section Chief.
e. Intelligence/Investigation Section Chief.
The Planning Section Chief may activate the following Units?
a. Resource Unit.
b. Situation Unit.
c. Demobilization Unit.
d. Documentation Unit.
e. Technical Specialist(s).
The Logistics Section Chief may activate the following Branches and/or
a. Support Branch consisting of–
i. Supply Unit.
ii. Facilities Unit.
iii. Ground Support Unit.
b. Service Branch consisting of–
i. Communications Unit.
ii. Medical Unit.
iii. Food Unit.
The Finance/Administration Section Chief may activate the following
a. Compensation/Claims Unit.
b. Cost Unit.
c. Procurement Unit.
d. Time Unit.
All incidents exceeding one operational period shall?
All incidents exceeding one operational period shall have a written IAP.
The IC shall use the following five phase process to develop the IAP?
Understand the Situation Establish Incident Objectives and Strategy Develop the Plan Prepare and Disseminate the Plan Execute, Evaluate, and Revise the Plan
The IAP shall follow the P-O-S-T format.
Which stands for?
a. Priorities—Regardless of the size or complexity of an incident, the following fundamental priorities remain constant:
i. Life safety.
ii. Incident stabilization.
iii. Property conservation.
iv. Protection of the essential environment.
b. Objectives—Broad descriptions or statements of the desired outcomes or actions to be achieved relative to the priorities.
c. Strategies—Action processes by which the objectives will be met.
d. Tactics/Tasks—Specific activities to be implemented to carry out the strategies.
Once Command has been established, the Incident Commander shall
respond to FCC’s 10-minute timer updates with a situation report to include?
Confirming or altering the incident strategy (i.e., offensive, defensive, transitional). The IC may adjust this time frame at her/his discretion to suit the needs of the incident.