3502 Patient Assessment, Intervention and Transport (EMS Operations) Flashcards
Who is responsible for maintaining this document?
Assistant Chief for Emergency Medical Services
Who is responsible for Documenting ALS upgrades by private ambulance paramedics
ALS upgrade
ALS intervention on a patient performed by a private ambulance paramedic subsequent to a determination by on-scene TFD paramedics that no ALS intervention is necessary; also includes patients transported priority to a
receiving center by a private ambulance after an on-scene TFD paramedic determines that the patient does not require paramedic level care.
Should a conflict arise between on-scene paramedics, the IC shall determine which on-scene paramedic shall direct patient care in accordance with the following order
a. Paramedic Captain or Paramedic Supervisor
b. Lieutenant Paramedic
c. Firefighter/Paramedic beyond initial certification period
d. Firefighter/Paramedic in initial certification period
e. Probationary Firefighter/Paramedic
On-scene, paramedics may, as necessary and appropriate, transfer patient
care to?
another on-scene paramedic, Registered Nurse, Physician’s Assistant, Nurse Practitioner or Physician who has ALS supplies and
a paramedic may leave a patient who does not require paramedic level care in the care of EMTs if a private ambulance is en route enter they have?
base station consent
After arriving at a receiving center, EMTs and paramedics shall transfer
patient care only to a?
a. Registered Nurse OR
b. Emergency Department Paramedic OR
c. Physician’s Assistant OR
d. Nurse Practitioner OR
e. Physician
An EMT may not order a paramedic to provide ALS intervention; however,
an IC may?
direct a paramedic to perform an ALS assessment.
TFD paramedics also shall Contact the base station whenever?
i. A patient meeting ALS guidelines will not be transported by
a TFD medic company or a private ambulance
ii. A patient s/he has assessed will be left in the care of EMTs while awaiting the arrival of a private ambulance for transport
If an incident was initially dispatched as BLS and the need for ALS assessment is subsequently identified but not available on-scene, the IC immediately shall?
a. Request a TFD medic company AND
b. Step up the responding private ambulance to priority response AND
c. Provide a short radio report to responding units, if time permits
If an incident was initially dispatched as BLS and the need for ALS transport is subsequently identified, the IC immediately shall?
a. Request a TFD medic company AND
b. Cancel, continue or step up theresponding private ambulance to
priority response depending on the patient’s condition or need for additional paramedics and/or transport AND
c. Provide a short radio report to responding units, if time permits
For urgent patients, the IC may request that FCC locate and dispatch a
closer ALS resource, including?
a. TFD medic companies that became available after the initial
b. Private ambulances
c. ALS engines
The IC may cancel a dispatched TFD medic company for any of the following reasons?
a. There are no patients
b. All patients meet BLS guidelines
c. All ALS patients have been loaded onto gurneys of on-scene privateambulances and there is no need for additional paramedics on-scene
or to assist during patient transport
The IC may cancel a dispatched private ambulance only if?
a. There are no patients OR
b. All patients meet BLS guidelines, but refuse ambulance transportation OR
c. There are enough paramedics with ALS supplies and equipment on-scene to manage patient care
If the ALS intervention was other than or beyond an IV start, send an email
to the Assistant Chief for EMS before going off shift that includes?
a. Incident Number
b. TFD ALS personnel who were on-scene
c. Ambulance that performed the ALS intervention or priority transport
d. Type of ALS intervention performed, such as medication administration or cardioversion
What policy number is Patient Assessment, Intervention and Transport?
3502 ems operations