4004 Hazardous Materials Emergency Response (technical Operations) Flashcards
What policy number is Hazardous Materials Emergency Response?
An annual class is required by
WAC 296-824-30005.
The Captain of Safety shall be responsible for
ensuring that a permanent record of
all employee exposures is maintained in the Safety Division.
Who is responsible for Controlling access to the Warm and Hot Zones
The Incident Safety Officer
Installing a mechanical device that extends above and below the surface of a liquid for the purpose of restricting or diverting the movement of a contaminant in a liquid (e.g., an oil spill in water).
Chemical Transportation Emergency Center (CHEMTREC)
Center operated by the Chemical Manufacturers Association to provide technical information on a 24-hour basis for hazardous material emergencies and to contact manufacturers so further product information can be supplied to the emergency scene
Center operated
by the Chemical Manufacturers Association to provide technical information on a
24-hour basis for hazardous material emergencies and to contact manufacturers so
further product information can be supplied to the emergency scene
Actions taken to confine a hazardous material release to a limited area outside of its container.
A type of transport equipment, not including vehicles, that is:
- Of a permanent character and strong enough for repeated use.
- Specifically designed to facilitate carrying goods by one or more modes of transport without intermediate reloading.
- Fitted with devices that permit ready handling, particularly its transfer from one transport mode to another.
Application of a barrier that prevents passage of a hazardous material to
an area where it will cause more harm.
Controlled movement of a hazardous material to an area where it will cause less harm.
HazMat 1-11
Dispatch response determined by FCC personnel or as requested by Incident Commander; calls for dispatch of Engine 12, Ladder 4, HM-44 plus closest four engines, one ladder, one medic unit, two Battalion Chiefs, one ISO, and staff.
HazMat Response
Dispatch response to a confirmed HazMat event as determined by FCC personnel based on the information received from the initial
call or by the Incident Commander at the scene; calls for dispatch of the closest engine, Engine 12, Ladder 4, HM-44 and closest Battalion Chief.
Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH)
The concentration of airborne
contaminants that poses a threat of death, immediate or delayed permanent adverse
health effects or effects that could prevent escape from such an environment.
Materials that, when mixed, have the potential to react in a manner that generates heat, fumes, gases or byproducts that are hazardous to life or property.
LC/50 Lethal Concentration
Usually given in parts per million in air (ppm), this is a laboratory test figure that indicates how much of a toxic material was inhaled
by test animals in order to kill 50% of the tested population.
LD/50 Lethal Dose
Usually given in milligrams per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg), this is a laboratory test figure that indicates how much of a toxic material was ingested by test animals in order to kill 50% of the tested population.
Permissible exposure limit (PEL)
The average airborne concentration of a
potentially toxic substance to which an individual may be exposed for an eight hour
Physical action
Processes that do not change the elemental composition of the materials involved (e.g., ice to water).
The ability of a material to undergo a chemical reaction with the release of energy initiated by mixing or reacting with other materials, application of heat or physical shock.
Entry route
Designated points or routes by which personnel can safely approach
the incident scene.
Route of entry
Common routes of entry into the body for a hazardous material include inhalation, ingestion and skin absorption.
Short-term exposure limit (STEL)
Standard or legal limit for maximum
duration of exposure to a potentially toxic substance, usually 15 minutes, that is not
believed to result in permanent damage.
The ability of a solid, liquid, gas or vapor to dissolve in water or the ability of onematerial to blend uniformly with another (e.g., solid in liquid, gas in liquid).
Time weighted average (TWA)
Concentrations that should not be exceeded for up to ten hours during a 40 hour work week.
Vapor pressure
A measure of the ability of a material to evaporate or transform from a liquid state to a vapor or gaseous state.
Explosive/flammable limits
The range of concentration of a flammable gas or vapor (% by volume in air) in which explosion can occur upon ignition in a
confined area. Range is expressed as LEL (lower explosive limit) and UEL (upper explosive limit).
Three Stages of a Hazardous Materials Incident?
Recovery/Clean up
The Deputy Chief, Operations Bureau, or his/her designee shall be responsible
the administration of HM-44 and the Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Response
Team including:
1. Operational guidelines.
2. Training.
3. Equipment needs.
4. Coordination with the senior HazMat Response Team Captain.
5. Maintaining this document
Who is responsible for recovery and clean up?
The shipper, spiller and/or owner
TFD personnel shall respond to hazardous materials incidents according to the
following seven step process
- Management
- Identification of the hazardous material(s)
- Evaluation of hazards
- Selection of PPE
- Containment and control
- Decontamination
- Termination
The Incident Commander shall
a. Determine if a hazardous material is involved.
b. Record hazardous materials data on the field copy of the Hazardous Materials Worksheet (FIR 411).
c. Relay information to Fire Communications on a regular basis
When selecting a stand-by area for other responding units, the Incident
Commander shall announce on the tactical channel the location of a site that is?
a. Well away from the hazard.
b. Within 3 minutes from the scene.
c. Up-wind and uphill from the scene.
When an entry team is in the Hot Zone, a backup rapid intervention
crew (RIC) shall be standing by in the?
Cold Zone wearing the appropriate level of protective clothing.
The Incident Commander shall order building evacuation under the
following circumstances
a. Leaks involving unknown gases from large-capacity storage containers.
b. Explosives or large quantities of materials which could detonate or explode causing damage to structures in the immediate area.
c. Leaks or releases that cannot be controlled and are expected to continue leaking/releasing such that it places civilian lives at risk.
For large-scale evacuations, the Incident Commander shall contact Fire
Communications to request?
that the Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) be activated.
a. The Incident Commander shall have direct and frequent communication with the ECC liaison.
b. During extended operations, the EOC liaison shall remain in the Command Post and have direct communications with the ECC.
All TFD personnel responding to a hazardous materials incident should be
able to identify and understand the hazards presented by vapors
a. Vapor pressure is directly affected by temperature and pressure.
i. The higher the temperature, the faster a material will evaporate.
ii. The lower the pressure, the faster a material will evaporate.
b. Vapors with a value greater than 1 tend to move and collect in low places.
c. Vapors with a value of less than 1 tend to float up and dissipate.
All TFD personnel shall be able to recognize the hazards presented by
flammable and explosive materials:
a. The lower the flash point, the higher the fire hazard.
b. A flammable gas requires a minimum concentration in air in order to “flash.”
i. Any concentration below this is considered too “lean” to support combustion.
c. The higher the LEL, the more difficult it is to produce a concentration that will ignite (e.g., ammonia with a LEL of 15%).
d. A very low LEL indicates a very high explosion hazard (e.g.,
methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) with a LEL of 1.4%).
e. The UEL indicates the percentage of gas in air mixture at which a gas becomes too “rich” to support combustion or there is too much gas.
f. The UEL indicates the upper limit of the flammable range of a gas.
i. The larger the gap between the LEL and the UEL, the higher the hazard of explosion.
ii. When a fuel/air mixture is above its UEL, the mixture will fall into a range that can ignite the farther out it is from the source.
TFD personnel shall consider the following toxicity threshold limits when determining health hazard
a. Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH)
b. Short-term exposure limit (STEL)
c. Time-weighted average (TWA)/Recommended exposure limits (REL)/Permissible exposure limits (PEL).
TFD chemical protective clothing shall not be worn as primary protection
in atmospheres determined by any TFD air monitoring equipment to be
above 10% of the lower explosive limit.
Cooling Containers
1. TFD personnel shall
a. Remove or cool containers exposed to heat and flame.
b. Apply water at a rate of at least 500 gpm to vapor space of exposed containers and especially at the point of flame impingement.
c. Set unstaffed monitors and pull back firefighters when adequate coverage of exposed containers cannot be assured.
d. Not extinguish burning gases unless the supply can be shut off.
Diversion techniques:
With the right equipment, a typical 3-person crew can build a
20-yard by 8-inch diversion wall in about 12 minutes
Actions that keep the hazardous material inside its container.
chlorine in liquid form expands
800 times to become gas
TFD personnel involved in removing hazardous material from a damaged
container shall
Ground and bond together both the damaged container and the off-
loading container before off-loading a flammable material
Fire hose exposed to hazardous materials shall be
pressure tested within six
months to ensure safe service.
Whenever time permits, a containment area for diluted material run off
shall be set up in the Warm Zone prior to
This shall be done prior to TFD entry into the Hot Zone for defensive or offensive operations.
TFD response for drug lab investigations shall be
a. A Battalion Chief.
b. One engine company.
c. One medic unit.
d. HM-44/L4/E12.
If the lab explodes or catches fire during the investigation, the Incident
Commander shall
call a full HazMat structural fire response
HazMat 1-11
TFD personnel who discover a drug lab during the course of their regular
work (e.g., EMS response, commercial building inspection, etc.). shall
a. Remain alert to the possibility of weapons, explosives, guard dogs
or booby traps in the lab.
b. Retrace their steps to the outside.
c. Notify Fire Communications to dispatch a full hazardous materials incident response in accordance with Section 5.14 of this document.
d. Exit to a safe area and decontaminate immediately.
In addition to dispatching TFD resources, FCC personnel shall notify the
following agencies under the circumstances noted
1.Pierce County Department of Emergency Management for any
working hazardous materials incident other than those issuing from
vehicle fuel tanks of less than 50 gallons.
2.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for any hazardous materials incident that involves a release, except vehicle fuel tanks
less than 50 gallons.
Any individual with acute exposure to a hazardous material shall
document the exposure on the TFD Hazardous Material Exposure Report and fill out OJI documentation.
2. The report shall be forwarded to the TFD Safety Division by the injured firefighter or his/her designee within 24 hours of the exposure.
Request HM-44 response for any spill over
50 gallons
TFD Mass Decon trailer is
(DECON 57)