XI: Chapter 20- Movement and locomotion Flashcards
What is the outermost covering surrounding the muscle?
What is the epimysium made of?
Fibrous elastic tissue
What is the perimysium?
Connective tissue covering each fasciculus of a muscle
What is the endomysium?
Aerolar connective tissue surrounding each muscle fbre
A bundle of muscle fibres is called
What is sarcosome?
Mitochondria of a muscle cell
The infoldings of sarcolemma around myofibrils are called
What is the storehouse of phosphate in a muscle cell?
Creatine phosphate
How many actin surround each myosin?
Each actin is surrounded by how many myosin in a muscle cell?
What is also known as anisotropic band?
Myosin (and some part of actin)
What is known as I band?
WHat is hensen’s zone?
Lighter part of A-band where actin is absent
Which line bisects myosin- A band?
Mesogramme line
Which line bisects I-band?
Z line
Myosin is a polymer of
How many polypeptide chains are arranged in a meromyosin?
What sites are present on the cross arm of meromyosin?
ATP binding site and actin binding site
Name the proteins present in an actin filament?
The F-actin is made of
2 chains of G-actin
What is the binding site of myosin on actin?
Troponin in actin is present on
What subunits does troponin have?
I-site on troponin is
Inhibitory site
WHo proposed sliding filament theory?
Huxley and huxley
Which filament slides over which during muscle contraction?
Actin filament slides over myosin
does the I-band shorten in muscle contraction?
Does the H zone shorten in muscle contraction?
Does the sarcomere shorten in muscle contraction?
Does the A band shorten in muscle contraction?
Which neurotransmitter sends signal for muscle contraction to muscles?
Acetyl choline
What happens when acetyl choline recepters on muscles receive signal from brain?
The impulse spreads on sarcolemma and travels to t-tubules which trigger release of calcium ions from sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Which is slower-red or white muscle fibre?
Which muscle fibre-red or white has plenty f myoglobin?
Which muscle fibre-red or white is supplied with abundant blood capillaries?
Which muscle fibre-red or white shows anaerobic respiration?
Which muscle fibre-red or white has abundant glycogen?
Which muscle fibre-red or white has well developed sarcoplasmic reticulum??
Muscles of eyeballs have which type of muscle fibres?
Flight muscles of sparrow have which type of muscle fibre?
Flight muscle of gliding birds have which type of muscle fibre?
Which is the most abundant mineral in a muscle fibre?
When does rigor mortis disappear?
15-24 hours after death
What is the time interval between two muscle twich called? What is its value?
Refractory period (2-5 ms)
What is the total time for skeletal muscle contraction?
0.1 s
What are the different phases of a muscle contraction, how long does each last?
Latent phase
Contraction phase
Relaxation phase
What is the autoimmune disorder that leads to weakness and paralysis of muscles called?
Myesthenia gravis
In myesthenia gravis, antibodies are formed against
Acetyl choline receptors on sarcolemma at neuromuscular junction
What is the X-linked genetic disorder leading to progressive weaking and atrophy of muscles called?
Muscular dystrophy
Muscular dystrophy happens due to
Absence of dystrophin proteins
How many bones are present in an adult human and an embryo?
206, 300
How many axial bones are present in the body?
How many bones are present in the appendicular skeleton?
How many bones are present in the skull?
22 (or 29 including hyoid and ear ossicles)
How many bones are present in the cranium? Name them
8 Frontal Parietal (2) Temporal (2) Occipital (1) Sphenoid Ethmoid
Which bone of cranium houses the middle and inner ear?
Temporal bone
Which bone of cranium articulates with the mandible?
Temporal bone
Which bone forms the roof of cranium?
Parietal bone
Which bone has foramen magnum?
Occipital bone
Which bone has sella tursica?
Which bones form the base of skull?
Ethmoid and sphenoid
How many facial bones are present in humans? Name them.
14 Nasal bone-2 Vomer-1 Inferior nasal turbinate-2 Zygomatic-2 Palatine-2 Maxillae-2 Mandible-1 Lacrymal-2
Which bone is called the cheek bone?
Which bone forms the posterior hard palate?
Which bone bears the upper teeth?
What is the V shaped bone at the floor of buccal cavity called?
Which skull bone does not articulate with any other bone?
Tongue, larynx, pharynx, neck muscles are attached to which bone?
Which cartilage attaches ribs to sternum?
Hyaline cartilage
Ribs are ventrally attached to
Ribs are dorsally attached to
How many true ribs are present?
7 pairs
What is the function of floating ribs?
Protect kidney
How many prominences are present on the posterior head of human ribs?
How many bones are present in the vertebral column?
How many curvatures does the vertebral coloumn has?
Name the types and number of all bones present in the vertebral column.
Cervical-7 Thoracic-12 Lumbar-5 Sacrum-1 (5) Vestigeal coccyx-1 (4)
What is the body of a typical vertebrae called?
A vertebrae which is flat at both ends is called?
Amphiplatyan vertebrae is found in
In the vertebrae, spinal cord passes through
Neural canal
All human vertebrae are biphid except
7th cervical vertebrae
What are the articulating facets of a vertebrae called?
Prezygapophysis and postzygapophysis
Which are the atypical cerivcal certebrae?
C1, C2 and C7
What is the first cervical vertebrae called?
Centrum is absent in which vertebrae?
Which articulating facet does C1 vertebrae lack?
Which vertebrae is also called the yes bone/nodding bone?
Otonoid fossa is present in
C1 vertebrae
Otonoid process is present in
C2 vertebrae
Which vertebrae is also called the no bone?
C2 vertebrae
Which vertebrae forms the prominence on neck?
C7 vertebrae
Which are the atypical thoracic vertebrae?
T1, T9, T10, T11 and T12 vertebrae
Which are weight bearing vertebrae?
Lumbar vertebrae
Sacrum is wider in males or females?
Saccrum is formed from the fusion of
5 bones
Coccyx is formed from the fusion of
4 bones
How many bones are present in each pectoral girdle?Name them
2 bones
On which surface of thorax is scapula present?
Dorsal surface
Between which ribs and which vertebrae is the scapula located?
Rib 2nd and 7th
T2 and T7
How does the scapula articulate with the the clavicle?
Acromial process
Glenoid cavity is present on which bone?
WHere does the scapula articulate with the head of humerus?
Glenoid cavity
How many bones are present in each forelimb? Name them.
30 Arm bone/humerus Radius and ulna Wrist bones-Carpels-8 Metabones-5 Digts-phalanges-14
Deltoid ridge is present on
Olecrenon fossa is present on
Humerus articulates with the ulna through
Olecrenon fossa and olecrenon process
Which bone is located towards the lateral side of arm-radius or ulna?
Which bone is the medial bone-radius or ulna?
How many bones are present in each pelvic girdle?
1, coxal bone (made by the fusion of three bones- ischium, pubis, ilium)
Each coxal bone is made by the fusion of
Ilium, ischium and pubis
Which is the largest foramen of the body? Where is it present?
Obturator foramen, present at the junction of ischium and pubis
How many bones are present in each hindlimb? Name them.
30 THigh bone-femur Tibia and fibula Patella Tarsels (7) Metatarsals (5) Phalanges (14)
Which is the largest, longest and heaviest bone of the body?
What does the head of femur articulates with to form the hip joint?
Which bones form the knee joint?
Patella, tibia and femur
What is the difference between the shapes and position of fibula and tibia?
Fibula- thinner, larger, lateral
Tibia- thicker, medial
Immovable joints are present in
Sutures in skull bones
teeth in jaws
The intervertebral joint is a type of
Cartilaginous joint
What are synanthrous joint?
Immovable joint
What are amphiarthrous joint?
Slightly movable joint
What are diarthous joint?
Freely movable joint
The shoulder joint and hip joint are example of
Ball and socket joint
Which joint is present in carpometacarpal joint of thumb?
Saddle joint
Which joint is a reduced form of ball and socket joint?
Saddle joint
Which joints are multiaxial?
Saddle joint and ball and socket joint
Elbow joint and knee joints are examples of
Hinge joint
Interphalangeal joints are example of
Hinge joints
Joint between atlas and axis is a type of
Pivot joint
Joint between radius and ulna is a type of
pivot joint
Joints between carpels, tarsels etc are
Gliding joint
Which is the simplest freely movable joint?
Gliding joint
The joint between atlas and occipitals is a type of
Condylar joint
Name the biaxial joints of body.
Condylar joint and ellipsoid joint
The joint between metacarpal and phalenges is a
Ellipsoid joint
Increase in parathyroid hormone in old people can cause which disease?
The inflammation of joints is called
What is the degerative disorder of articular cartilage called?
What happens in rheumatoid arthritis?
IgM antibodies formed against synovial membrane.
Which is the largest muscle of body?
Gluteus maximus
Which is the longest muscle of body?
Sartorius muscle
Which is the strongest muscle of body?
Which is the fastest muscle of body?
Eyelid muscle
Which is the longest bone in lower arm?
What is a form of movement found inside amoeba?
Cytoplasmic streaming
How many type of movements do the cells of the body usually show?
3- amoeboid, ciliary and muscular
How much of a person’s body weight is constituted by muscles?
What is the common collagenous connective tissue layer which holds the fascicles called?
Which is thinner-actin or myosin?
Sarcomere is the region of muscle fibre between two
Z lines
How many tropomyosin run along the actin?
Which part of meromyosin is an active ATPase enzyme?
Globular head
Which muscles are called aerobic muscles?
Red muscles
What constitutes the main framework of the trunk of body?
Vertebral column
How many curvatures does the clavicle has?
Joints are present only between two bones. True/false
Joints are present between two bones and bones and cartilage.
What acts as a fulcrum for the bone?
What is the rapid spasm in muscle due to low calcium in body fluid called?