Why does the CHP write tickets?
- Perception is important
- Education, Engineering, Enforcement, Expectations, and Partnerships all play a part in the big picture of the CHP going out and saving lives
- Goal # 1 in the Strategic Plan is to Protect Life and Property by reducing injuries, fatalities, & big rig collisions
- CHP budget
a. 90% comes from MVA (your registration dollars) not from enforcement
b. No funding comes from enforcement as those fees goes to city, county, POST, victim funds, courts etc. - Annually, there are approximately 3,000 fatal collisions and over 200,000 injury collisions
- CHP’s responsibility is to “aggressively seek out violators” (HPM 100.68)
- Organizational and Professional Values
- Focus of enforcement should be on those violations which save lives and prevent injuries
- Lots of discussion that court fines hurt those who don’t have money, perpetuating the cycle of poverty
- Important key contact issue right now is Amnesty programs for traffic violations, are we serving the best interest of the public.
- As a Captain, I will stress the public trust document which says each enforcement contact is an opportunity to educate and enforce and to consider what is best for the public and the violator.
- History of formation of CHP, previous to 1929, each County had a traffic squad and would write tickets to generate revenue, legislators specifically put law into place to avoid this.
- In-view patrol, illegal to have quotas 41602 VC, 8 hours of work for 8 hours of pay
- MDR .94 in 2013, on the climb in 2014 and up 5% nationally, largest climb in last 50 years
- If presentation, let person know by bringing this up has generated traffic and/or citizen’s complaint
** This question generates a traffic/civilian complaint process