-Make all employees aware of expectations
-Need to change the culture/behavior of the office
-Heightened expectations by management for employee behavior
-Open discussion regarding GO 0.1 and 0.8 in training days, ride-alongs, and informal settings while always setting the example
-Ensure all employees receive EEO, Cultural Diversity, and Sexual Harassment on-line training through STAR POINT
-Ensure ETRS is current and all training is entered to track employees
-As captain, take every opportunity to reinforce adherence to policy and appropriate conduct
-Encourage area personnel to be their “brothers/sisters keeper”
-Identify outside training applicable for EEO, sexual harassment, and cultural diversity
-Invite guest speakers to area to speak on these topics
-Ensure compliance with AB1825, bi-annual training in sexual harassment
-Check with allieds, see what they are doing
-Continually provide refresher training for all employees on EEO and cultural diversity On each monthly evaluation, have reference to our Professional and Organizational values
-Focus of every staff meeting, briefing, and training day will be dedicated time to discussing employee conduct, expectations both on and off-duty
-Supervisors in the field, monitoring and leading personnel
-Lieutenants in the field, not just behind a desk
-Captain to be out with the employees in various settings such as emergency incidents, interacting with employees at the office etc
-Monthly ride-alongs for all officers by sgts
-Monthly ride-alongs for all sgts by lieutenants
-Find team building activities such as Area BBQs, fitness challenge etc
-Always lead by example
-Take care of small issues so they don’t turn into larger issues
-Accountability 1. Non-complaint 2. Complaint 3. Public expects 4. I’m that type of leader
-Early Intervention warning system, with IA Pro
-Admin duties on LTs, SGTs in the field
-Importance of doing our most basic duties
-Public Trust-have outward mindset (think of others)
-EAP and Peer Support
Have day where officers reaffirm their oath
-Gordon Graham and Gabe Potter Video
-Need to have candid conversations
-Sign CHP PRIDE every year but look to me how to live it

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