-The CHP is developing curriculum designed to provide all officers and sergeants with the 40-hour “Memphis Model” for CIT recognized by IACP.
-What has been done: 40 hours for all employees, Part of Academy curriculum leadership 4 additional hours (Cadets 18 hrs/16 first year/34 total)
- Area commanders are required to review the Mental Health Services Resource Guide and complete the CIT Resources Checklist.
- This information shall then be disseminated to all uniformed staff within their respective command.
- All uniformed personnel shall be informed of the checklist and advised to utilize it as a resource.
-SP2 able to better serve those w/mental illness
-Stats: 1/5 adults experience MI, 26% homeless have severe MI, 2million w/MI booked every year, only ½ receive treatment, ¼ killed by LE have MI
-W/reduced resources, LE becomes 1st responders
-Training focus on de-escalation & training through scenario and safety
-Importance of forming partnerships with mental health advocate groups
-Partnerships with homeless groups, shelters, soup kitchens
-As Captain need to: work with local resources, stress mental health awareness to all employees, speak on tdays, briefings about this important issue. If nothing is in place, expected I will make it happen.
As captain will focus on collaboration w/advocacy groups and networking to better understand local issues & create partnerships. Develop local SOP and MIRP resource list.
-TACT-tone, atmosphere, communication, time
-Besides jail my job to know resources of where to take those w/MI besides jail
-Be familiar with GO 100.85, Departmental Assistance to the Homeless: make homeless aware of resources, protect the rights of all, be sensitive to homeless needs, transport to homeless shelters to get required help, make sure don’t pose a threat to public safety.
Commanders shall: local resources, admittance criteria, transportation available for homeless, each quarter verify info is correct, periodically disseminate info to personnel, carry this out with compassion
Veterans Affairs