- Defined: Networking system for CHP representatives & elected officials, community leaders, allied agency partners, non-governmental entities.
- In order to be successful and have a secure future, I must share with the community and key contacts what we do and how well we do it
- Encourage staff to submit legislative proposals
- Need to introduce myself right away to key contacts
- I’m the direct connection to key contacts on local matters
- Program critical for continued success of the dept.
- Invite key contacts to Area events (EAD, Cat 10 etc)
- Timely submission of key contact report
- Timely notification to key contacts of events in their jurisdiction
- Keep abreast of local political issues and elections
- Always have an agenda and area stats to share
- Know the jurisdictional boundaries
- Know the issues facing elected officials & their constituents
- Always bring something to leave (zenith, pamphlet etc)
- Maintain contact with OSR, they are available to assist me with my key contacts
- Captain 1st line of defense for the dept., the actual boots on the ground.
- Won’t delegate key contacts, it’s me!
- Want key contacts to call me first
- Send quarterly letter advising of Area’s accomplishments
- Set up program for monthly security checks at district offices and document on 415
- As sgt and lt have accompanied captain on visits
- I get it and see how truly important this is
- Key contacts just doesn’t affect me and my area, it can ultimately affect all of the CHP=Statewide ramifications
- Key contacts=RELATIONSHIPS
- Statewide ramifications
- 3 parts 1. Legislative proposals 2. Key contacts
3. Resolutions