EEO Flashcards


EEO Programs


B Bilingual Services: Goal is to improve accessibility of services for limited English speakers. Bilingual pay when employees average at least 10% of bilingual contacts
U Upward Mobility Program: Move employees from low-paying positions to higher paying positions with broader classifications. Plans reviewed w/employee annually
S Sexual Harassment Policy: Zero tolerance. Immediate response and proper reporting. Unsolicited and unwelcome sexual advances. Quid-pro-quo and Hostile work environment. (Supervisors and employees may be personally liable)
H Hiring and Workforce Composition: Monitor Departments non-uniform hiring process. Goal to hire those who are disabled and underrepresented persons.
P Persons with Disabilities Program: Two major objectives:1) to reach, attract and employ qualified persons with disabilities. 2) to ensure all qualified individuals with physical and/or mental disabilities have access to any programs, services, and/or activities. 9.5% have reasonable accommodations on file. 60% of last year’s reasonable accommodation requests were granted.
W Workforce analysis: Conduct annual analysis and identify underutilization of any group. Overview of Dept’s EEO program.
A Age Discrimination Policy: All positions filled based upon work behavior, experience and qualifications, NOT AGE (applies to 40+ State, 40-70 Federal)

Discrimination Complaint Process: Prohibits discrimination based upon 16 protected groups. ALSO PROHIBITS RETALIATION

Things I will do: free from discrimination, org/prof values, immediate action, no retaliation, serious attention to this issue, set the example, supervisors receive initial & refresher training, all employees eeo training, contact OEEO for training materials, EEO counselor list posted at the office for all employees to read.

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