Each employee recruit 1 person per month, put on 100 form
As a Captain I will:
•Be Personally involved in local recruitment efforts
•Emphasize that our employees are our best tools and resources
•We all share in this responsibility
•Hold myself and others accountable to identify those with desirable traits
•Foster an interest by sharing my examples and ongoing efforts
•Discuss recruitment at area staff meetings, training days and briefings
People are our best resource! Bottoms up approach!
•Assure recruitment documents are available to all personnel
•Make everyone aware of Applicant Preparation Program (APP), let’s people know what to expect, beneficial for minorities & women, physical training workouts, cover all aspects of career for applicant/family
•Reach out to minorities/females, typically 12% of applicants are females, 8% AA, 5% Asian
•Assign personnel in the Area to mentor before, during, and after testing to those who want to become officers
•Look for individuals who possess the following: Interest in LE, physically fit, sound mind, solid life, and possess tenacity/grit (one of best indicators of success)
•If no Explorer post, start one
•Talk up recruitment time off (40 hours)
•Continuous advertising for cadets
-Sr Volunteers: patriarchs/matriarchs-encourage their families to apply
- 6% uniform members are females
- 3% uniform black, 6% black population in CA
- 25% uniform Hispanic, 36% Hispanic in CA
- 6% uniform Asian, 17% Asian in CA
- 65% uniform White, 38% White in CA
- Of note on CHP, there are only 17 black females within the uniform ranks
- Reach out to community leaders and get their input of how to recruit minorities and women.
- Also, there’s a need to understand that these issues aren’t just facing the CHP but all of Law Enforcement.
- Civilian staff/dispatchers recruitment
- Branding: Rich History, Worldwide, Prof. Esprit de Corps
- 4 prong approach:
1. Traditional
2. Women
3. Ethnic
4. Military
-town hall meeting/Insta/facebook/community event