Vocabulary Midterm Flashcards
Cavities that hold osteocytes
Mature bone cells that maintain matrix
Immature cells that make bone
Break down bone when calcium levels in blood are too low
Mature cartilage cells
Immature cells that make hyaline cartilage
Make collagen
Mast cells
Have chemicals needed to start the inflammatory response, help fight pathogens
Fixed cells vs wandering cells
fixed cells: immune cells permanently stationed in specific tissues or organs
macrophages, mast cells,
wandering cells: immune cells that move freely throughout body. lymphocytes, neutrophils
Extracellular matrix
Non living material that surrounds the living cells. Helps bear weight and withstand tension
Merocrine glands
Don’t accumulate product, merely secrete
Example of merocrine glands
Pancreas, sweat, salivary
Holocrine glands example
Burst, sebaceous
Apocrine glands
Apex pinches off, mammary
Neoplasm in glandular epithelium
Cancer in epithelium
Basement membrane
Separates epithelial tissue from underlying connective tissue. Helps resist tearing
Tissue types
Types of fibers
Collagen fibers (stronger than steel )
Elastic fibers(provide elasticity)
Reticular fibers (thin collagen fibers that make soft skeleton)
Neuronal pools
groups of interconnected neurons within the CNS that work together to carry out specific functions
Types of neuronal pools
Diverging and converging
Diverging neuronal pools
single presynaptic neuron communicates with multiple post-synaptic neurons
Help transport information to various parts of the nervous system simultaneously
Converging neuronal pools
Several presynaptic neurons communicate with one post-synaptic neuron.
Help integrate information from multiple sources
Helps stop communication of neurons by breaking down acetylcholine into
Acetate and choline
Satellite cells
Give structural support to ganglia in PNS
Collect leaked potassium ions
Recapture and recycle neurotransmitters
Reticular formation
Keeps cerebral cortex alert and conscious
Filters out repetitive stimuli
Enhances excitability of cerebral cortex
Reticular formation extends through
Central core of medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain
Epidural space
contains fat, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels
Epidural space location
In between vertebrae and dura mater
Optic sensory
CN 3
Superior, inferior and medial rectus, inferior oblique
Superior oblique , depresses eye and turns them laterally
Trigeminal V
Innervates large areas of face opthalmic, maxillary, mandibular
Abducens VI
Abducts the eyeball
Controls lateral rectus
VII facial
Facial expressions
Sensory info from anterior 2/3 of tongue
VIII vestibulocochlear
Hearing and balance
IX glossopharyngeal
Tongue and pharynx, swallowing
Taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue
X vagus
Innervates visceral organs
Control heart rate
Some taste around epiglottis
Spinal nerve parts
Ventral root + dorsal root
Cholinergic receptors
Receive ACh
Adrenergic receptors
Bind epinephrine and norepinephrine
Referred pain
Pain in region other than affected region. Caused by close proximity of sensory neurons
Knob swellings of autonomic axons,
Have mitochondria and synaptic vessels. Exist in series
Lateral sulcus
Separates the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobe
Nuclei as related to interneurons
Differentiated cells
Cell becomes specialized
Intracellular fluid packed with organelles,
1.Cell adhesion molecules
2. Almost on every cell in body
Function of CAMS
1.Molecular Velcro that cells use to anchor themselves to other molecules in extra cellular space
2. Act as arms that help cells move against one another
3. Rally wbcs to infected or injured area
4. Transmit info about changes in extracellular matrix to cell. Bring a variety of responses like cell migration, proliferation, specialization
Function of Ribosomes
Sites of protein synthesis. Has two subunits. Made of proteins and RNAs
Smooth ER
No ribosomes on surface. Makes lipids and complex carbohydrates. Detoxification reactions in cells. Especially important in hepatocytes of liver
Rough ER
Studded with ribosomes
Makes proteins that go to golgi apparatus
Bud off cell membrane to transport substances.
Uses active transport
Golgi apparatus
Packages and modifies proteins for use
Aerobic respiration occurs. Make the majority of ATP
Have it’s own DNA. Encodes for 35+ genes
High amount in liver
Recycling unit of cell
Cocktail of digestive enzymes
Proteases, lipases, nucleases, amylases, very low acidic pH.
Similar to lysosome
But specialize in digesting long chain fatty acids.
Have lots of catalase which breaks down hydrogen peroxide (made by many reactions)
A region near the nucleus that contains paired organelles called centrioles
Important for mitosis
Minute pair of bodies near nucleus, help divide the cell
Thinnest elements of the cytoskeleton . Cell motility and changes in cell shape.
Biconcave shape of rbcs
Intermediate filaments
thicker than actin but thinner than microtubules. Protein filaments. Resist mechanical stress and connect other elements.
Overall structure and function
Intermediate filaments
thicker than actin but thinner than microtubules. Protein filaments. Resist mechanical stress and connect other elements.
Overall structure and function
Acts as highway for proteins to transport vesicles. Organize cytoskeleton. Made of tubulin
Nuclear envelope
Double phospholipid bilayer that surrounds nucleus?
Helps make ribosomes
Free radicals
Highly reactive chemicals with unpaired electrons that can scramble the structure of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids
Tightly coiled structures of DNA. Visible during cell division
Strands of DNA and associated proteins. Form chromosomes when tightly coiled
Fundamental unit of chromatin. Strand of DNA wound around cluster of eight.
Nuclear pores
Opening in nuclear membrane
Unwound genetic material
Active transport
Primary active transport
Secondary active transport
Moving substances using ATP usually against a gradient
Receptor mediated endocytosis
Lets specific things go in through endocytosis and transcytosis
- Receptors bind to substances and are taken in then dealt with
Sequence of endocytosis, vesicular transport through the cell and exocytosis on the other side
Cell cycle
Series of changes a cell goes through from the time it’s formed, until it reproduces itself
Interphase and mitosis
Period from cell formation to cell division
G1, S, G2
Cell grows and the centrioles replication begins
Increase amount of cytoplasm and organelles
DNA replicates
Doubles the amount of DNA in prep for mitosis
Final preparations for mitosis are made
Makes sure that there’s enough proteins and cytosol.. Makes sure there’s enough cellular machinery to carry out mitosis and cytokinesis
Parts of cell division
Mitosis and cytokinesis
Mitosis phases
Division of cytoplasm
- Nuclear membrane dissolves,chromosomes condense.
- Spindle fibers emerge from centrososmes
- Nuclear envelope breaks down
- Centrososmes move toward opposite poles
Chromosomes line up at the metaphase plate,
Each sister chromatid is attached to a spindle fiber originating from opposite poles
Pulling chromosomes apart.
Sister chromatids become chromosomes are pulled apart.
Spindle fibers begin to elongate the cell.
Chromosomes arrive at opposite poles and they begin to decondense
The nuclear envelope surrounds each set of chromosomes
The mitotic spindle breaks down
Spindles continue to push poles apart
Stem cell
Unspecialized cells that divide to produce various kinds of more specialized cell types
Progenitor cell
more specialized than embryonic stem cells but less specialized than fully differentiated cells in body. Give rise to specific types of cells within a particular tissue or organ
Totipotent cells
Can create all types of cells required for body including embryonic tissues
Pluripotent cells
Can make all cells in body except embryonic tissues
Tumor suppressor genes
act as breaks. Products of their genes inhibit cell growth and division.
Too activated
Tells cell cycle to go forward..gas pedal stuck down
One of the most important tumor suppressor genes in body
Has multiple defense mechanisms
Most frequently mutated genes in human cancer.
family of genes that regulate cell growth and division. mutations can cause cancer
MYC gene
MYC Protoncogene protein is a transcription factor. regulates the expression of genes involved in the cell cycle.