Unit 2 - Part 2 - Newborn Care Part 2 Flashcards
T/F: Half of the pt’s who have gonorrhea will have chlamydia
= by law erythromycin must be put in baby’s eyes
Do we suction the mouth or nose first?
Low-set ears are a characteristic of _____
Fist cry helps initiate _____ _____
hearing improvement
What does it mean to examine for talipes?
Examine for clubbed feet
Defintion: elicited by holding the newborn in ventral suspension (face down) and stroking along the one side of the spine
Trunk incurvation (Galant reflex)
Maneuver that evaluate whether or not the child has problems with hips and dislocation
Ortolani or Barlow
T/F: newborn nurses need to be able to evaluate the difference between tremors and convulsion
Infection in the nursery is best prevented by requiring that all personnel who have direct contact with newborns scrub for _____ _____ from the _____ up to and including the _____ at the beginning of each shift. Each caregiver’s hands must also be washed with soap and rubbed vigorously for _____ before and after contact with every newborn and after touching any soiled surface, such as the floor or one’s hair or face.
2–3 minutes
15 seconds
How often do we measure newborn’s vitals
every 30 minutes until stable for 2 hours
Where to give Prophylactic injection of vitamin K1 on newborn
IM in middle of third section of vastus lateralis muscle
What is included in ophthalmic ointment for prophylactic eye treatment for gonorrhea
- 0.5% erythromycin
- 1% tetracycline
T/F: ophthalmic ointment for prophylactic eye treatment for gonorrhea may cause redness and swelling
When to instill ophthalmic ointment for prophylactic eye treatment for gonorrhea
after mother and baby have a chance to bond & within 1 hour of birth (instillation may be delayed up to 1 hour after birth to allow eye contact during parent-newborn bonding
Is IgA affected by gastric action
No, unlike other immunoglobulins
Where can you find a high secretory concentration of IgA
in Colostrum
Can newborns produce secretory IgA
yes, in their intestinal mucosa approximately 4 weeks after birth
If baby is supplemented with formula-fed bottles, when do you give it to them
by hour 5, ~q4h
How often to breastfeed child
What do you suction the baby’s mouth and nose with
a bulb syringe prn
How to maintain cardiopulmonary function in a newborn
- vital signs q6-8h
- place newborn on back to sleep
- bulb syringe within easy reach
Can you put anything in a baby’s crib?
NO! NOTHING that they can pull over their faces!
Newborns of diabetic mothers:
_____ feedings contain protein and will maintain blood sugar better than glucose water alone
Newborns of diabetic mothers:
The onset of hypoglycemia occurs at _____ _____ after birth and can continue for several days
1-3 hours
Newborns of diabetic mothers:
T/F: Newborns of diabetic mothers can require frequent feedings to maintain normal levels of blood glucose.
Newborns of diabetic mothers can require frequent feedings to maintain normal levels of blood glucose.
Newborns of diabetic mothers:
Blood glucose levels should be checked _____ during the _____ _____ _____ and then at _____ _____ _____ until stable normal levels are attained.
first 4 hours
4-hour intervals
Newborns of diabetic mothers:
Is hyperthyroidism associated with newborns of diabetic mothers?
A minimum of _____ wet diapers per day indicates adequate fluid intake for the infant.
Stool color turns _____ _____ when lactation is established
golden brown
Is eye drainage in newborns normal?
NO! Must be reported to baby’s provider
T/F: small amounts of uric acid crystals are normal in the first days of life and may be mistaken as blood because of reddish appearance
What color is transitional stool
thin, brown to green
What color is a breastfed stool
yellow gold
How often should an infant have stool
6-10 small, loose yellow stools per day, or only one every few days after breastfed is well established (~1 month)
Should you use cow’s milk on newborns
NO! NOT BEFORE 12 MONTHS! = lactose intolerant and milk allergies are more likely if started before 12 months
Breast milk or formula only!
After circumcision care:
- don’t wash off yellow tissue (granulation tissue)! It is evidence of healing
- swelling is NOT expected = report!