Exam #3 Review - Unit 5 & 6 Flashcards
why asthma med is needed even though client’s last attack was several months ago
medication is still needed to decrease inflammation in your airway and help prevent an attack
COPD, elevated BP, and fatigue, BPM 36
ineffective breathing pattern
client has COPD, which course of action reducing the risk of developing an infection
a flue vaccine
newborn suspected having cystic fibrosis. the mother asks nurse what symptoms made physcian suspect cytsic fibrosis
meconium ileus
which complications associated with Crohn disease should the nurse instruct the client in order to increase adherent behavior
bowel perforation
which client statement indicated understanding of this information.
i will drink 2 liters of fluid each day
which assessment will cause nurse to conclude that teaching goals for this colostomy client has been met
a stoma that is pink and intact
healing process for vegan
a high carb, high protein diet is best for protein
which intervention would be most beneficial for spanish speaking client with COPD
obtain educational materials regarding the disease process and smoking cessation written in spanish
nurse hears a low-pitched sound that is continuous throughout inspiration. What does this lung sound indicate?
ronchi - blocked large aiwray passages
which assessment findings indicate that a client with asthma needs immediate attention?
inaudible breath sounds