Study - Unit 11 - Endocrine General Overview Flashcards
DIsorder of metabolism related to the body’s production and use of insuline
Type 1 or 2?
- absolute deficiency of insulin
type 1
Type 1 or 2?
- relative deficiency of insulin/resistance to use of
type 2
hyposecretion of cortisol and often insufficient levels of aldosterone as well
Addison’s disease
hypersecretion of cortisol by the adrenal gland/or externally taken corticosteroid medication
cushing’s syndrome
autoimmune disorder that results in hyperthyroidism
autoimmune disorder that results in hypothyroidism
metabolic bone disorder in which the rate of bone resorption increases and the rate of bone formation decreases
What gland causes addison’s disease and cushing’s syndrome
Adrenal Gland
after nutrients are ingested, digested, absorbed, and transported across cell membranes -> must be _____ into individual chemicals that can be used by cells to maintain life
processes of biochemical reactions occurring in the body’s cells that are necessary to produce energy, repair cells, maintain life
chemical messengers secreted by various glands that exert controlling effects on cells of body
Main modifiable risk factor for liver disease
avoid alcohol
Main modifiable risk factor for diabetes
encourage healthy lifestyle, screenings
Alterations of hormone secretion and / or action result in the _____ function of specific body organs and the loss of the body’s ability to _____ itself in response to both internal and external changes.
Because of the interaction between hormones and the nervous system in maintaining hemostatic balance, loss of hormones results in serious, even fatal, problems.
The nurse’s role in caring for patients of all ages with endocrine and / or metabolic alterations includes assistance with physical care, monitoring and provider of information
Feedback mechanism:
body sends neural message to _____
Feedback mechanism:
hypothalamus stimulates the _____
Feedback mechanism:
Pituitary sends factors to _____ _____
primary gland
Feedback mechanism:
Primary gland releases hormone until cell satisfied, then message sent to _____ _____
turn off
a negative feedback system regulates the _____ system
Simple or Complex:
when the level of one substance regulates the secretion of hormones
simple feedback
Simple or Complex:
a low serum calcium level stimulates the parathyroid gland to release parathyroid hormone. PTH in turn, promotes resorption of calcium. A high serum calcium level inhibits PTH secretion.
Simple or Complex:
occurs through an axis established between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and target organ
Simple or Complex:
secretion of the hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulates release of pituitary corticotropin, which in turn stimulates cortisol secretion by the adrenal gland (the target organ). A rise in serum cortisol levels inhibits corticotropin secretion by decreasing corticotropin-releasing hormone
Types of Endocrine Disorders:
problem with the gland itself in releasing or creating hormone
primary (hypofunction)
Types of Endocrine Disorders:
problem with the pituitary and the releasing factors
secondary (hyperfunction)
Types of Endocrine Disorders:
problem is with cellular receptors or the cells themselves
Types of Endocrine Disorders:
other than the normal site of hormone production
_____ is usually chronic, often resulting in glandular secretion of hormones. However, it may be acute or subacute as in thyroiditis
_____ can occur within a gland or in other areas of the body causing abnormal hormone production. For example. certain lung _____ secrete ADH or PTH