Unit 1 - Decision Making Flashcards
Definition: All of part of the process of questioning, analysis, synthesis, interpretation, inference, inductive and deductive reasoning, intuition, application, and creativity
Critical Thinking
6 parts to Critical Thinking
- Intellect
- Creativity
- Inquiry
- Reasoning
- Reflection
- Intuition
T/F: Critical Thinking is more than an education guess
Definition: identifying the problem (open vs. closed questions)
Definition: labeling
Nursing Diagnosis
Definition: focusing the direction of care
Definition: focusing on Evidence Based Practice
Nursing Interventions
Nursing Process:
- Assess
- Diagnose
- Plan
- Intervention
- Evaluate
- Documentation
Definition: Did we meet the goal?
What does UAP stand for
unlicensed assisted personal
Definition: guide us to what care we will provide to pts medical diagnoses can help guide us to _____ _____
Nursing Diagnoses
What is the difference between Nursing Research & Medical Research
Nursing care is based on intuition and experience
What does IRB stand for
institutional research based
What is the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
- decrease costs by being more efficient
- provide grants/$ to do research which will over all decrease costs
- needs participants & criteria (age, wt, etc.)
Definition: an evidence-based practice (EBP) provides scientific support for nurses in clinical thinking processes, making decision, and using clinical judgement
Clinical Decision Making
ex. pt. may be there for a dressing change, but as you talk with pt. you notice a greater problem & so you contact someone for more help (ex. pt. depressed, change in behavior, etc.)
When is preoperative nursing done
before surgery
- pt. checklists: must be done before surgery
- informed consent
- removal of all metals: ALL piercings/jewelry
- wound care after surgery
- managing constipation
- deep breathing & coughing after surgery: teaching
- pain management
- safety after surgery (discharge instruction, making home a safe environment)
- a ride home: can’t drive home themselves
- teaching before surgery due to impaired thinking after