Unikont Diversity IV Flashcards
phylum echinodermata
ancestra protist, eumetazoa, bilateria, deutro; ex: sea star; larvae exhibit bilateral sym; 5 part sym in adult body; internal endoskeleton made of CaCO3 w spines that project outward; water vascular system = fluid filled canals and chambers (feeding and gas extange)
phylum chordata
ap, eumetazoa, bilateria, deutro; inverts and verts
ap, eumetz, bilateria; radial and indet cleavage; blastopore becomes anus
sister group = echinodetmata; big four shared set of derived characteristic at some point in life cycle: (1) notochord (2) doral, hollow, nerve chord (3) pharyngael gill slits (4) muscular, post-anal tail
firm, flexible longitudinal supporting rod; functions as internal skeleton in all chordate embrys and some adults; forerunner of backbone; loacted btwn gut and nerve chord; big 4
dorsal, hollow, nerve chord
big 4; all non chordates have ventral, solid nerve chords; develops into CNS via cephalization
pharyngeal gill slits
big 4; ancestor was prob suspension feeder
muscular, post-anal tail
big 4; extends beyond posterior anus
basal clade of chordates; most basal group; marine suspension feeders; inverts
basal clade of chordates; invests; marine susp feeders; char by having one set of hox genes
vertebrates chordates
chordate characteristis most evident during embryonic stages; adults w backone made of bone or cartilage; 2 or more sets of hox increases genetic complexity
hagfishes and lampreys
basal clade of vert chordates; only living verts w/o jaws; rudimentary vertebrae made of cartilage
chordates w vert; jaw mouth; hinged jaw; 4 set of hox genes; basal clade: chondrichthyes
basal clade of gnathostomes; acquatic; cartilage skeleton; cartilage fish (sharks, rays)
chordates w vert; bony skeleton w hard matrix made of calcium phosphate; have lungs that supplement gas extange by gills; basal clade: actinoterygii
basal clade of osteichthyoes; acquatic, raytinned rish (trout, tune,salmon)
lobe-finned fish
chordates w vert; muscular fins or limbs increase locomotion; basal clades: actinistia and dipnoi
basal clade of lobe-finned fish; coelocanths
basal clade of lobe-finned fish; lungfish w lungs and gills; sister group of tetrapods
chordates; 4 limbs; neck; fused pelvic girdle or walking not swimming; basal clade: amphibia; amniotes
basal clade of tetrapods; 1st tetrapods; eggs must be laid in water or damp env (acquatic larvae); thin, moist, skin; frogs, salamanders
tetrapods; amniotic egg; rib-cage ventilation where lungs are specialized; amnion; reptila; birds
membrane that form fluid filled sac around embryo
tetrapods; amniotes; hard, dry scale w keratin (protein) for protection; ectothermic; shelled eggs laid on land