Blood/Immunity Flashcards
approx 5L; functions: transport nutr + hormones via CS, pathogen defense + immunity; composition: many cell w/i fluid (plasma): RBCs, WBCs, platelets
55% of blood (92% water) = liquid portion non cellular; proteins; blood electrolytes
plasma proteins
help regulate distribution of fluid btwn plasma + ISF act as buffers; inc osmotic pressure + fluid returns to cap; albumin; immunoglobulins; apolipoproteins; fibrinogens
regulates pH; fluid balance: blood + ISF
antibodies; defense against antibodies
lipids transport; vital bc lipids = insoluble, need to be bound to protein
blood clotting
blood electrolytes
inorganic salts; buffers against pH changes (pH 7.4); maintain osmotic balance; in ISF as well
cellular compents
produced in bone marrow of certain bones; ribs, vert, sternum, pelvis; multipotent stem cells w/i bone marrow: stems cell undifferentialed; multipotent can differentiate to any blood cell
MSC divide
one daughter cell differentiates; other remain stem cell so don’t run out of stem cells
RBCs; #1 job = carry + deliver O2; most numerous of all blood cells 120 day lifespan; lack mitochondria use anaerobic metabolism to get ATP don’t use O2 for themselves; flexible biconave discs: concaved on both side, high SA, elastic internal framework easily move through tiny caps + tiny diameters; lack nuclei oly fully differentiated; must transport O2: utilize Hb, O2 transport protein w/i RBC, gives blood red color
erythrocyte production
controlled by EPO hormones; EPO produced in kidney via neg feedback system sensitive to amnt of O2 reaching tissues; not enough O2: kidney produces more EPO, EPO stimulates BM to produce more RBC, kidney + EPO not making RBC; too much O2: kidney produces less EPO, BM produces less RBC
blood clotting steps
(1) platelet plug formation = temporary clot (2) fibrin clot formation = stronger, permanent clot
anticlotting factors
platelet plug formation
bv damage; constrict by dec bloodflow; collagen fibers sticking out @ damaged area; platelets w/i blood stick to collagen fibers; forms a physical block; platelets release attractants; recruit even more platelets to area make platelets sticky; forms platelet plug = temporary plug
fibrin clot formation
clotting factors also released by platelets damaged cells; prothrombin = plasma protein produced in liver + need vit K, to thrombin = enz catalyzes conversion of fibrinogen (soluble PP) to fibrin (insol); fibrin molecules polmerize to fibrin polymer; long threads of fibrin stick to damaged vessel; traps blood cells + platelets; forms fibrin clot = permanent
> 30 clotting factors, if missing any leads to hemophilia; ex: hemo A, missing CF7
cardiovascular disease
normal bv: very smooth lining, minimal resistance, smooth blood flow, damage can cause lining to roughen leads to atherosclerosis
hardening of arteries due to fatty deposit accumulation
travels in blood as a particle w lots of molecules + bound lipids to protein
low density lipoprotein; delivers cholesterol to cells for mem production; keep this low
high density lipoprotein; picks up exces cholesterol returns to liver; keep this high
damage to arterial ining; leukocytes (WBCs) attracted to inflamed area take up lipids like cholesterol; may produce plaque, begins to grow; fatty deposit w fiberous tissue not flexible; as plaque grows arterial walls thicken + stiffen artery obstruction