Plant Diversity II Flashcards
reduced gametopytes in seed plants
microspore; developed from w/i sporangia of parental sporophyte (2n); competely dependent on sporophyte gen; sporophyte = dom period; provides protection from stress/harsh env conditions; supplies nutr to gameotphyte
ovule & egg production in seed plants
gymnosperms; ovule; angiosperms; integument
megasporangium surrounded by 1 integument
megasporangium & megaspore & integument
megasporangium surrounded by 2 integuments
layers of sporo tissue that forms seeds coat and surround and protects megasporangium which devlops into megaspore to female gameotphyte and produces one or more eggs
heterospory in seed plants
produces both megaspore (female gametophyte) and microspore (male gametophyte) which are protected by sporophyte
pollen & sperm production in seed plants
microsporangium develops into microspore to pollen grain; sporopollenin w/i pollen grain wall protects male gametophytes; on land sperm no dep on water for dispersal so no flagella bc colonize dry habitats
pollen grain
male gameto enclosed w/i pollen wall; 2 cells: tube cell & generative cell
tube cell
produces pollen tube
generative cell
produces sperm
seedless plants repro
spore is only protectant stage; vunerable to env stress; single celled spore fending for itself; shorter life span bc no stored food
seed plants repro
multi cell seed; embryo protected by seed coat; protect and stored nutr allows to be dormant for long time
produce “naked” seeds; exposed on sporophylls and produce cones (strobili); most conifers; wind pollinators
cone bearing plants; pines, firs, redwoods
pine life cycle
pine tree = mature sporophyte; sporangia on scale-like structures densely packed in cones (on sporophyte); 2 types of cones: pollen & ovulate; pollination then fert
pollen cone
microsporocytes; produce microspore (n) via meiosis; each microspore develops into pollen grain into male gametophyte
ovulate cone
each cone scale w/ 2 ovules; each ovule w/ megasporangium
pollination in gymnosperms
polen grain reachs ovule; pollen grain germinates; tube cell w/i pollen grain produces pollen tube; pollen tube digests through to megasporangium
megasporangium in gymnosperms
while pollen tube is growing activity w/i megasporangium; megasporocyte produces 4 hap cells via meisosis; one cell survives to become megaspore; megaspore develops into gemale gametophyte; female gameto w/ 2 or 3 archegonia; each archegonia produces egg
fertilization in gymnosperms
one pollen tube reach archegonia, sperm cell is fullly dev; fert w egg to produce diploid zygote; fert initiates surrounding ovule structure to become seed
embryo (2n) + food + seed coat
phyla of gymnosperms; most endangered of all plant spp due to habitat destruction
phyla of gymnosperms; only one spp: Gingko bibloba; deciduous tree w fan like leaves that tolerate air polluation (popular in cities)