Classification & Virology Flashcards
basic unit of classification
naming and classifying of orgs
binomical nomenclature
unique 2 part name (genus + specific epithet)
Rules…(1) latin (2) italics/underlined (3)Genus capitalized/abbreviated, unique (4) specific epithet lowercase, not unique
arranged to show evolutionary relationships and understand relationships
evolutionary history
process of class
heirarchical classification
each level “down” is more exclusive; each spp at X level shares all characteristics of that level
phylogenetic trees
branching diagram that represents evo history; shows patterns of descent; NOT always in line w/ pheno similarities; represents hypothesis through a series of dichotomies
branch points; divergence from CA
sister taxa
groups of orgs that share same immediate CA
rooted tree
has one branch pnt that represents most recent CA of all taxa on tree
basal taxon
lineage that diverged early; on branch near CA
evo relationships are NOT clear bc of multiple branching
extant spp
currently alive at tips
similar due to shared ancestry
convergent evo result
accumulation of genetic change over time; changes in AFs in pops not inds; NS is mechanism and acts on inds (effects variation)
biological diversity
that collection of all living orgs
tree of life
3 domain system of classification: Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya (Archaea and Bacteria are prokaryotes)
not alive; not on tree of life; can’t metabolize or reproduce on their own; have DNA or RNA never both; too small to be seen under light microscope; obligate intracellular parasites: must be associated w/ host, parasitic w/i host cell (+/-)
tabacco mosaic virus (TMV)
infects tabacco plants; Adolf Mayer; transmitted TMV from infected plant to healthy plant
Martinus Beijernick
disease “agent” was smaller than bacteria bc bacteria couldn’t pass through filter; “agent” replicates in plants; unable to grown “agent” in nutrient medium, test tube, or petri dish
viral genetic material
all viruses have genetic material in form of nucleic acids; either RNA or DNA; DS or SS depending on virus type; linear, circular, or segmented genome; 3-100 genes, all info needed to replicate in HC
all bacteria have this protein coat; surrounds genetic material; consists of subunits: capsomeres; may play a role in attachment; determines shape of virus