Circulation Flashcards
animals w/o CS
flatworm, cnidarians, nematodes
3 basic components of CS
(1) circ fluid (2) vessel network (3) heart
muscular pump pushing fluid through vessel network
2 types of CS
open and closed
open CS
w hemolymph; w heart; has low pressure that forces hemolymph throughout body + spread out; disadv: ineff; adv: less costly
circ fluid in open CS; aka ISF bathing tissues
heart in open CS
undergoes contraction where hymolymph is pumped through circ vesselt o interconnected sinuses; undergoes relaxations where hymolymph is sucked back into heart via pores
closed CS
blood is circ fluid w/i vessels + diff then ISF; heart pumps blood into large vessels that branch into smaller vessels that get to organs; adv = high BP for big active animals is more eff sys
vert circ
cardiovascular sys; closed sys w blood (circ fluid), blood vessels (3 types), heart w 2+ muscular chambers
3 types of blood vessels
arteries, capillaries, veins
brings blood away from heart to organs of body; divide into arterioles
deliver blood to capillaries; part of arteries
microscopic blood vessels that infiltrate organs; capillary beds; merge togther to form venules; movement of substance btwn blood +tissue: diffusion, gas exchange, waste removal, nutr arrival; prob = not all fluid returns to caps (~15% remains) solved via lymphatic sys
capillary beds
network of caps; infiltrate tissues + exchange material w blood
recieve blood from venules; sandwiched in btwn muscles; muscle movement; venus pressure allows blood to move along veins; valves = open/close to prevent backflow blood toward heart
1 or 2 atria dep on spp; recieves blood returning from tissues
1 or 2 dep on spp; pumps blood away from heart to arteries
fish circ
single circulation; heart w 2 chambers: 1 atrium, 1 ventricle; single circ not very eff: BP dropes in cap bed in gills; O2 rich blood reaches other organs slowly; swimming = muscle movement, increases circ, vital for fish to stay in action
single circulation
blood flow = single circuit; atrium pumps blood intno ventricle; ventricle contracts pumps blood to arteries; blood to cap beds in gills (O2 poor); net diffusion of O2 into blood, CO2 out of blood (O2 rich); caps (deliever O2) converge into vessel that carries blood to cap beds in rest of body; blood returns to atrium via veins
amphibian circ
double circulation; heart w 3 chambers: 2 atria + 1 ventriclue; adv = more vigorous blood flow bs blood gets repressurized twice
double circulation
ventricle pumps blood into forked artery directed 2 circuits: pulmocutaneous + systemic; both atria pump into single ventricle ridge in venticle diverts most O2 rich blood to sys circuit + O2 poor blood into pulmocutaneous circuit some mixing of O2 rich + O2 poor amphibian can adjust circ: in water sends O2 rich to lungs, on land sends O2 rich blod to skin
pulmocutaneous circuit
transports blood to lungs/skin; blood picks up O2 (O2 rich); circuit returns to LA via veins
systemic circuit
transport O2 rich blood to organs (need O2) returns blood to RA via veins
mammals + birds circ
double circ; 4 chambered heart: 2 atria + 2 ventricle, double circuit w system + pulmonary circuits completely seperate