Unikont Diversity (Fungi) Flashcards
evo from unicellular flagellated ancestor; animals, fungi, and related protists form the opestinoicant clade; animals and fungi may have diverged into seperate lineages about 1-1.5 bya; nucleariids
heterotrophic amoebas (protists); close ancestors of fungi
colonization of land
fungi before plants; before plant colonization life on earth = “green slime”
“green slime” earth
cyanobac, algae, small heterotrophs = fungi
nearly all multicellular (yeast are unicellular); not photosynthetic; absorptive heterotrophs; cell wall
fungi are not plants
no chlorophyll, no chloroplast
absorptive heterotrophs
get food from outside sources; do not ingest/digest food w/i bodies (fungi are not animals)
absorptive process
secrete hydrolases (hydrolytic enz); enz breakdown polymers into monomers; fungi prefer moist env; “predigested” food is absorbed
cell wall
chitin; N-containig polysac; strong, flexible, durable; fungi are hard to kill
decomposer fungi
absorb nutr from non-living matter
parastitic fungi
absorb nut from living host cells
mutualist fungi
absorb nutr from host; fungi will reciprocate w/ actions to benefit host
basic buliding block of fungi body; long, branching, threadlike filaments; tubular cell walls; grow and secrete hydrolases; expand into new food resources
tangled mass of hyphae; feeding network; increases SA:vol
reproductive strutctures
utilize spores
spore prodction
aerial hypae; fruiting body = mushroom (complex multicell repro structure
septate hyphae
hyphae divided into cells by cross walls; “seta”; pores allow organelles and cytoplasm to flow through
coenocytic hyphae
not divided into ind cells; one big cell w/ many nuclei
specialized hyphae that penetrate host tissue; used to extract/extange nutr w/ plant hosts
mutually beneficial relationship btwn fungi and plant roots; more efficient than plant roots at getting soil nutr; deliver phosphate ions and mineral to plants; plants supply fungi w/ organic nutr like carbs; most vascular plants have mycorrhizae
ectomycorrhizal fungi
type of mycorrhizae fungi; forms sheets of hyphae over a root and grows into extra cellular spaces of root
arbuscular mycorrhizae
type of mycorrhizae fungi; entends hyphae throgh cell walls of root cells and into tubes; tubes lead to root cell membranes
haploid (n); produced in either tip of aerial hypae or in fruiting body; produced sexualy or asexually; not motile (no falgells) - must be dispersed via wind, water, animals (transport mechs); need to land in moist env w/ food to germinate and produce new mycellium
asexual reproduction
grow as filamentus fungi and produce more spores via mitosis (ex: mold); or budding cell division (ex: unicellular yeast)