Plant Diversity I Flashcards
green algae; closest relative to lang plants; shallow waters around edges of ponds/lakes, drying out can occur here; NS favors inds that can w/stand harsh conditions = land plants; sporopollenin
polymer layer of protection; prevents exposed zygotes from drying out
similarities btwn land plants & charophytes
ring of cellulose synthesizing proteins in PM to make cellulose microfibrils; similar falgellated sperm; formation of phragmoplast
group of microtubles; forms btwn daughter nuclei during CD; cell plate forms in middle of phragmoplast and gives rise to new cell walls of daughter cells
alternation of generations
land plants alternate btwn 2 multicell stages in their life cycles: gametophytes and sporophyte
haploid (n); roduce gametes via mitosis
produced by fusion of gametes = diploid (2n); produces haploid spores by meiosis
2n embryo (sporophyte) in land palnts in retained w/i tissue of famle gametophyte and develops here; nutrients are transferred from parent to embryo through placental transfer cells
walled spores produced here; multicellular organs in sporophytes that produce spores; sporocytes go through meiosis and produce spores; sporopollein in spore wall makes it resilient
n; haploid repro cells that grow via mitosis into multicellular gametophyte
multicellular gametagania
produced by gametophytes and produce sgametes via mitosis; male = antherdium; female = archegonium
male; produce & release sperm
female; produces egg cells; site of fertilization
apical meristems
roots & shoots can elongate to increase SA:vol and increase access to resources; localized regions of CD @ tips of roots & shoots; cellls differentiate into various cell types here
waxy covering over all above group parts; gas extange poor here; prevents dessication (drying out); protects again microbes (can’t grow here)
tiny openings on surfaces of leaves and stems; open & close; lots of gas extange; main route of evaporation
vascular tissue
cells joined into “tubes” and tubes transfer water & nutr.; xylem; phloem; sporphylls; sporophytes (2n) = dom life cycle stage; leaves; roots
mosses, liverworts, hornworts; non vasular = lack specialized vascular sys; not monophyletic, no clade; form a grade, small, herbaceious (non woody plants); earliest lineages of land plants
collection of orgs that share biological feature
vascular plants
seedless lycophytes = clube mosses, ferns (form a grade); seeded VP = most living plant spp, gymnosperms and angiosperms
embryo packaged w/ supply of nutr inside protective coat
“naked seeds” seeds not inclosed in any chamber (ex: conifers)
“container seeds”; flowering plants; fruit-enclosed seeds; most dominant type of plant