Protists Flashcards
relationship btwn 2 spp in which one org lives inside other; mutual benefit
serial endosymbiosis
key eu organelles evolved through sequences of endosym events
mitochondria in serial endosymbiosis
aerobic bac engulfed by anaerobic bac; engulfed bac = alpha protobacterium = endosymbiont
primary endosymbiosis
phagocytosis of bac by another cell
group of closely related organelles; arose after mitochondria; cholorplasts; chromoplasts; amyoplasts
stores starch in photosyn eu cells; host was heterotrophic eu and couldn’t make stuff on its own; engulfed photosyn bac and gave rise to 2 photosyn protists (red algae and green algae)
secondary endosymbiosis
host cell engulfs primary endosym cell; host cell = heterotrophic eu; red and green algae underwent serial endosym, frequently happened, great protist diversity
eu cell structure
nucleus, membrane bound organelles, cytoskeleton
structural support, aids movement, shape changes and feeding
eu evolution
in flux; 4 super groups; no known “root”; simultaneous divergence from one CA; polytomy
eu supergroups
excavata, SAR clade, archaeplastida, unikonta
“the very first” 1st eu cells; evolved 1.5-1.6 bya; enormous structural and functional diversity; unicellular (mostly), colonial, multicellular; variety of nutritional strategies
protists nutritional strategies
photoautotrophs w cholorplasts; heterotrophs that ingest organic molecules; mixtrophs that combine photosyn and heterotrophy
usually characterized by “excavated” feeding grooves on body, many are parasitic, ex: Giadia intestinalis lives in small intestine of humans and causes backpacker’s diarreha
subdivisions of excavata
diplomonads, parabasalids, euglenozoans
have mitosome; reduced mitochondria; lacks functional ETC; can’t use O2 to extract E so gets E from anaerobic pathways; lacks plastids; 2 equal sided nuclei
lack plastids; char by hydrogenosomes, reduced mitochonria, lacks funational ETC, rely on anaerobic pathways for E, release H2; ex: Trichomonas, sexually transmitted parasites that cause trichomonasis
very diverse clade, main morphological feature is spiral/cyrstalline rod inside each flagellum, two subgroups are kinetoplastids and euglenids
char by large mitochondria, inside mito is “kinetoplasts” which is an organized mass of DNA; some free living, some parasitic; ex: Trypanosoma brucci which causes African sleeping sickness
char by one or two flagella from pocket at one end of cell; some are mixotrophic
SAR clade
strametopiles, alvalates, rhizoians
char. by hairy flagellum and shorter, smoother flagellum; three types: diatoms, golden algae, brown algae
photosyn, unicellular algae; char by cell wall with glass like appearance: silicone dioxide in organic matrix, 2 overlapping parts that resembles petri dish and prevents crushing
diatomaceous earth
material harvested from ocean floor; accumulation of fossilized diotom cell walls, mied and used as filters