understanding phasic program design Flashcards
exercise prescription
structured format with the application of quantified stress in appropriate doses to stimulate specific physiological adaptations
exercise programming for even when the average person can become somewhat complicated due to
health-related considerations
different personal goals
training aptitudes
limitations in contact time needed to address all physiological issues
steps to increase proficiency in exercise program design
- be able to identify the most important findings during a comprehensive screening and evaluation
- prioritize the defined needs
- understand which activities and exercises address the problems, based on physiological adaptation response
- implement the exercise principles and program components in a manner that will foster goal achievement
needs analysis helps categorize
relevant findings of the client evaluation and identify client specific solutions
musculoskeletal assessment
posture, functional tests
cardiovascular assessment
resting HR, BP
metabolic assessment
BMI, central girth, body comp, blood glucose
cardiorespiratory assessment
cardiovascular assessments
muscular fitness assessment
anaerobic strength, endurance, power test
movement fitness assessment
stability, flexibility, mobility
posture assessment: plumb line
forward chin, slight forward shoulder
posture assessment: plumb line
strengthen mid/lower traps and rhomboids
posture assessment: plumb line
y and t
seated low and high row
reverse flys
single arm row
posture assessment: plumb line notes
tight hamstring prevent bent-over row, mix y and t reaches with good morning
flexibility assessment: failed apley test, failed Thomas stretch, failed single leg hip flexion test
tight internal rotators
tight hip flexors
tight hamstrings
flexibility assessment: failed apley test, failed Thomas stretch, failed single leg hip flexion test
stretch pectorals and subs cap
stretch rectus femurs and iliopsoas
stretch proximal and distal hamstring
flexibility assessment: failed apley test, failed Thomas stretch, failed single leg hip flexion test
supinated T reaches
bulgarian squats
straight led and mobility lunges
split stance good morning
active isolation stretch
flexibility assessment: failed apley test, failed Thomas stretch, failed single leg hip flexion test
focus on lower body unilateral exercises
address flexibility of each in warm up and cool down
mobility assessment: OH squat
tight lats
underactive glute and rectus abdominis
poor central stability
mobility assessment: OH squat
stretch lats
strengthen glute max, rectus abdominis
improve core stability
mobility assessment: OH squat
I reaches
step ups, reverse lunge, glute bridge, hip kickback
closed chain abdominal work
mobility assessment: OH squat
no bilateral work until pelvic stability
increase OH lifts
strength balance assessment:
weak hamstring
weak trunk flexion
weak glutes
strength balance assessment:
increase knee flex strength
increase abdominal strength
increase glute strength
strength balance assessment:
leg curls
modified RDL
glute-ham raise
eccentric nordic hamstring
strength balance assessment:
cautious of excess back ext
cardiovascular fitness assessment:
VO2 max
cardiovascular fitness assessment:
increase CRF
cardiovascular fitness assessment:
establish 20 min accumulative work in HRTZ
cardiovascular fitness assessment:
HRTZ minimum 132 bpm
body composition assessment:
body composition assessment:
reduce body fat
body composition assessment:
> 1000 kcal/week
body composition assessment:
57 METs of activity
anthropometrics assessment:
central girth 41 in
anthropometrics assessment:
reduce total weight
anthropometrics assessment:
60 mins PA per day
anthropometrics assessment:
specific activity list weekly
preparation phase generally aims to accomplish 4 things
make joints function properly
establish proper activation
establish baseline stability
promote movement competency
kyphotic exaggeration:
strengthen rhomboids/mid trap
stretch internal rotators
kyphotic exaggeration: exercise
wide grip rows
supinated t reach
tight hamstrings: solution
increase knee extension ROM
tight hamstrings: exercise
wide leg good morning
tight hamstrings and kyphotic exaggeration combination
split stance GM march with supinated T reach
tight lats: solution
increase shoulder flexion ROM
tight lats: exercise
split stance OH reach
tight hip flexors: solution
unilateral activate glutes while lengthening hip flexor
tight hip flexors: exercise
forward lunge
overactive low back: solution
increase ROM in spinal flexion
overactive low back: exercise
deep squat spinal flexion, increase lumbar spinal flexor strength
weak trunk flexors: solution
activate rectus abdominalis
weak trunk flexors: exercise
standing straight arm crunch, activate rectus abdominis for 3 sec hold
weak trunk flexors and overactive low back combination
wide leg ceiling to heel reach with posterior pelvic tilt
underactive glute: remedy
reverse lunge
underactive glute: progression 1
add ipsilateral load
limited spinal rotation: remedy
split stance rotation
limited spinal rotation: progression 1
add med ball
tight iliposoas: remedy
straight leg lunge with contralateral glute activation
tight iliposoas: progression 1
bilateral OH reach
underactive glute, limited spinal rotation, tight iliposoas combination
progressive reverse lunge with MB rotation
dumbbell fly: anaerobic endurance phase
DB fly on ball
dumbbell fly: hypertrophy/strength phase
standing cable fly
dumbbell fly: strength/power phase
ballistic band fly
bench push-up: anaerobic endurance phase
DB chest press
bench push-up: hypertrophy/strength phase
barbell bench press
bench push-up: strength/power phase
bench press contrast with MB chest pass
single step lateral squat: anaerobic endurance phase
alternating step lateral squat with MB
single step lateral squat: hypertrophy/strength phase
alternating step with BB lateral squat
single step lateral squat: power/strength phase
lateral squat walks with KB swing
DB lunge: anaerobic endurance phase
DB walking lunges
DB lunge: hypertrophy/strength phase
walking lunges with plate rotations
DB lunge: strength/power phase
ballistic lunge
movement can be progressed using a variety of methods inducing
loading, complexity, familiarity, stability
baseline CRF needs can be met using
cardio resistance based circuits combined with aerobic interval circuits
body weight movement–> ___ movement–> _____ instability –> ____ instability –> ____ complexity
bodyweight + mild
added resistance + mild
logical continuation of the preparation phase
anaerobic endurance phase
4 primary goals of the anaerobic endurance phase
- continue to promote proper activation, strength, balance, ROM
- increase central and peripheral stability segments
- enhance ground reaction force transfer and kinetic chain proficiency
- increase mobility and movement competency
preparation phase warm up circuit: GM with I-reach:
a. anaerobic endurance warm up circuit
b. demand of activity
a. GM with I-reach using 2.5lb plate raise
b. increases demands in posterior chain
preparation phase warm up circuit: reverse lunge:
a. anaerobic endurance warm up circuit
b. demand of activity
a. MB OH reverse lunge
b. increases demands in central stabilizers
preparation phase warm up circuit: lateral lunge with rotation:
a. anaerobic endurance warm up circuit
b. demand of activity
a. lateral lunge with MB rotation
b. challenges lateral stability and ROM
preparation phase: step up
a. anaerobic endurance
b. demand of activity
a. step up with ipsilateral sand bag
b. increases demands in prime movers and challenges central stability
preparation phase: walking lunge
a. anaerobic endurance
b. demand of activity
a. walking lunge with a front-loaded position
b. increases demands in anterior chain
preparation phase: DB reverse lunge
a. anaerobic endurance
b. demand of activity
a. reverse lunge to DB press
b. challenges central and peripheral stability
CRF improvements can be built upon with ___ min of fairly continuous movement
hypertrophy-strength phase increases
lean mass improves force output
goals of hypertrophy-strength phase
- improve force transfer across kinetic chain
- increase lean mass
- increase force output
- challenge stability with mobility
hypertrophy warm ups use a combination of
corrective strategies with movement specific resistance preparation that increases in intensity to match the increasing loads used in this phase
warm up exercise: MB squat swing
a. purpose
b. prepare for
c. progress to
a. improve central stability and pelvic control
b. back squat
c. OH bar squat
warm up exercise: reverse lunge with MB OH press
a. purpose
b. prepare for
c. progress to
a. improve mobility in lats, glutes, hip flexors
b. axial-loaded lunges
c. lunge to DB press
warm up exercise: MB OH forward lunge with lateral lean
a. purpose
b. prepare for
c. progress to
a. prevent medial-lateral femoral sway, stretch lateral sling and IT band
b. BB front squats and BB front-loaded lunges
c. BB OH lunge
___ + _____ + ____= maximal anabolic hormone activity for lean mass gains
- heavy compound exercises
- isolated muscle activity to stimulate ischemia
- relatively low rest periods with high volume
bodybuilders using 6 training days per week often pair muscle groups to
attain adequate volume and achieve maximal total recruitment for each area
personal training using only 3 sessions per week, makes better sense to perform
total body with emphasis sessions
traditional body building chest and triceps: bench press 12, 10, 8, 6, 10
a. total body with push emphasis
BB front squat to OH press 3x6
traditional body building chest and triceps: incline DB press 4x8
a. total body with push emphasis
bench press 4x10
traditional body building chest and triceps: dips 3x failure
a. total body with push emphasis
lunge to OH DB press 4x5
traditional body building chest and triceps: DB push ups ss cable fly 4x12/10
a. total body with push emphasis
bench push up to side plank 3xfailure
traditional body building chest and triceps: supine triceps extension ss close grip bench 4x failure
a. total body with push emphasis
chest flys ss rear delt pulls 3x10
traditional body building chest and triceps: triceps push down 5x10
a. total body with push emphasis
triceps pull-over ss high to low cable cross pulls to arm extension 3x8/10-12
traditional body building chest and triceps: cable triceps kickback 3x12
a. total body with push emphasis
incline sit up to DB press 4x10
strength power phase may emphasize strength or power but it includes
shift toward increased movement velocity
strength: back squat
squat jump
strength: BB walking lunge
lunge jump
strength: incline bench press
incline MB pass
strength: push ups
speed or clap push up
strength: cable trunk rotation
MB alternating side pass t
training cycles are categorized by
time or outcomes
6-12 months
tend to last <3 months
few weeks for an acute goal
personal training often employs ___cycles
program components should be tracked on a daily basis to gauge its
effectiveness and monitor any problems that may need to be addressed
Which of the following is not usually a primary focus of the preparation phase?
a. Improved movement competency
b. Muscle strength balance
c. Neural speed
d. Baseline stability
What chest exercise would be the best choice for the hypertrophy-strength phase?
a. Bench push-up
b. DB chest flyes
c. BB bench press
d. MB chest passes
Which of the following is correct concerning characteristics of the anaerobic endurance phase?
a. A continued focus is placed on proper muscle activation
b. A focus is placed on increasing central to peripheral stability
c. A focus is placed on enhancing force transfer through the kinetic chain using movements rather than isolated lifts
d. All of the above are correct
____refers to a premeditated, structured program format that applies quantified stresses to stimulate physiological adaptations.
exercise prescription
Heavy compound lifts + isolated muscle activity + relatively low rest periods with high volume = ____
muscle hypertrophy
True or False? The needs analysis uses information from resting and active physical tests to create a matrix of client-specific needs and possible remedies.
True or False? As training frequency is often not adequate within personal training to split up all muscle groups during the hypertrophy-strength phase, total-body work with a “push or pull emphasis” can also be used.
identify at least two reasons why program tracking is important
a. to gauge the program’s effectiveness , b. properly apply progressive overload , c. to identify problems or program components that need to be modified , d. to protect the trainer from a liability standpoint