Corrective Exercise Flashcards
musculoskeletal evaluation can identify
strength imbalance, poor mobility, faulty activation patterns
corrective exercise
activities aimed at restoring or enhancing joint function via improvements in the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems
why corrective exercise should be a priority for those with known issues
1. biomechanical issues negatively affect proper ___, ____ and ____
2. mechanical deficiencies promote faulty _____ and ____ problems which lead to injury
3. ongoing postural changes affect ___ and ___ of joints reducing stability
4. Dysfunction presents obstacles to ___ and ____-oriented behaviors due to pain and discomfort
5. Biomechanical limitations can cause ___ and ____
6. Biomechanical dysfunction can predispose one to ___ and provide major setbacks
- posture, movement and exercise
- movement patterns and activation
- form, force closure
- health, performance
- physical discomfort, pain
- injury
exercise professionals first address obstacles that limit health improvements and increase the risk for injury before __________
aggressively pursuing fitness improvements
the level of dysfunction and its effects on movement efficiency, guide the _____ and identify _____
exercise selection process, priorities
a needs analysis is developed to formulate a
comprehensive training plan with starting points
prioritization model dictates that
areas/issues of greatest need are addressed as an initial priority in the training program before anything else
needs analysis
adaptation requirements for an individual determined by screening and evaluation protocols
needs analysis includes the ____, ____ and ___ of physiological needs
identification, organization, prioritization
primary limitations
issue is significant, may be painful, and impedes overall function and performance
secondary limitations
issue tends to reduce the ability to perform certain tasks but generally does not cause major discomfort
secondary limitations warrant
adjunct corrective work and attention to proper movement form
example of primary limitation
upper cross syndrome
slight hamstring tightness is an example of_____ limitation
early phases of a corrective exercise program require high volume for adequate ____ and to improve ____
motor rehearsal
motor rehearsal
repeated exposure to a movement pattern which enhances efficiency over time due to increased neuromuscular proficiency
many clients are introduced to training via bodybuilding exercises rather than those that
improve mechanical function
programming exercises that unite the global systems can improve
mobility and force transfer across the kinetic chain
functional training should emphasized client-appropriate ___kinetic chain exercises, but ____ kinetic chain exercises still have a part to play in comprehensive development
closed, open
closed kinetic chain exercise
force is applied to a distally fixed position, forcing the body to stabilize segments across the kinetic chain
in closed kinetic chain exercise, the ___ moves around the ___
body, object
open kinetic chain exercise
force is applied to a moveable object around a distally fixed position, reducing stability requirements but allowing for more isolated loading
in open kinetic chain exercise, ____ moves around the ____
object, body
examples of closed kinetic chain exercise
military press, pull ups, push ups, deadlift, squat, lunge
examples of open kinetic chain exercise
lat pull down, bench press, leg press, leg curl, seated bicep curl
changing the physical connection to the load during an exercise allows for
further variation in stresses via the use of closed circuits and open circuits
closed circuit exercise both working limbs are connected to the same load which minimizes the_____ while increasing the _____
stability demands, potential for loading (two arms or two legs)
open circuit exercise each limb must manage a separate load on its own which increases ______ while increasing the _____
localized stability demand, potential for range of motion
example of closed circuit exercise
barbell bench press, barbell bent over row, leg press
example of open circuit exercise
dumbbell chest press, dumbbell overhead press, dumbbell lunges
primary needs are range of motion and stability= ___ chain, ___ circuit exercises
closed, open
primary need is strength= ___ chain, ___ circuit exercises
closed, closed
primary need is hypertrophy= ___ chain, ____ circuit exercises
both open and closed
bilateral exercises are commonly compromised when
a client has muscular imbalances or postural distortions
unilateral loading can fix bilateral exercise compromises by
isolating a motion segment to improve ROM and promote improved stability/muscle activation
unilateral loading may be relatively lighter, but can fatigue the trunk due to
higher reps
____ and ____ loading increases central activation and stability demands
overhead, asymmetrical
asymmetrical loading
loading is not symmetrical in the sagittal and frontal plane
ipsilateral loading can increase ___ and ___ stability, primary mover activation across a ___ relative range and ___ muscle activity
central, peripheral, broader, lateral
unfamiliar loading can be used to enhance adaptations for experienced clients by placing the resistance in a
manner the body is not accustomed to
forward chin
corrective exercise:
traditional activities:
underactive upper back
good morning, T/Y reaches
single arm row
kyphotic exaggeration
corrective exercise:
traditional activities:
overactive cervical flexors
scapular push up
U bar high row, suspension T pull
corrective exercise:
traditional activities:
tight joint capsule
IYT reaches
2-bench-push ups
upper cross syndrome
problems: overactive____
corrective exercise:
traditional activities:
internal rotators, pec, lats
band t pulls, reverse lunge with cont reach
reverse back flys, suspension wide row
corrective exercise:
traditional activities:
overactive hip flexors, low back
reverse lunge, wide leg back reach
knee rolls on ball, MB pullover to stand
lower cross syndrome
problems: overactive _____, underactive _____
corrective exercise:
traditional activities:
overactive hip flexors/low back
underactive abdominals/glutes
field lunge w/ cross cont, reach, slide disc speed lunge
SA OH bulgarian, ipsilateral step-up
inward knees
corrective exercise:
traditional activities:
interactive glutes, overactive quads
floor bridge w/ upward reach, OH Bulgarian catch
bench leg march, ipsilateral step-up
outward knees
corrective exercise:
traditional activities:
overactive calves, glute med
single-leg floor reach, split-stance toe reach
dorsiflexed bridge, single-leg pistol squat
which of the following is closed chain
a. pull up
b. bench press
c. seated bicep curls
d. leg extension
____ is used to restore or enhance joint function via improvements to the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems
a. inner unit training
b. sling system training
c. corrective exercises
d. unfamiliar exercise
which of the following is open circuit
a. barbell bent-over row
b. cable lat pull-down
c. tricep cable push-down
d. dumbell lunge
____ loading can be used to isolate a body segment and increase the ROM of a given exercise to promote enhanced stability and muscle activation
a. bilateral
b. ipsilateral
c. unilateral
d. contralateral
which of the following would be best corrective exercise for kyphosis of the thoracic spine
a. field lunges
b. overhead bulgarian squat
c. IYT reaches
d. floor bridges
which of the following would be the best corrective option for inward knees
a. enhancing quadricep activation
b. improve ROM in the calves
c. improve mobility in the obliques
d. enhance activation in the glutes
the ___ includes the identification, organization, and prioritization of a clients fitness and physiological needs to program proper exercise
needs analysis
true or false: the prioritization model dictates what areas of greatest need should be addressed first within a training program
true or false: the early phases of a corrective exercise program require low repetitions to prevent overtraining
true or false: asymmetrical loading is uneven in the sagittal and frontal planes which can increase central stabilization demand
identify two reasons why corrective exercise should be a priority in the training program for clients
- Biomechanical issues negatively affect proper posture, movement, and exercise
- Mechanical deficiencies promote faulty movement patterns and activation problems which often lead to injury
- Ongoing postural changes affect form and force closure of joints reducing stability
- Dysfunction presents obstacles to health and performance-oriented behaviors due to pain and discomfort 5. Biomechanical limitations can cause physical discomfort and pain
- Biomechanical dysfunction can predispose one to injury and provide major setbacks to fitness goals
identify each of the following as closed or open chain and closed or open circuit
a. standing, dumbbell overhead press
b. standing, barbell overhead press
c. sitting dumbbell overhead press
d. sitting barbell overhead press
a. closed chain, open circuit
b. closed chain, closed circuit
c. open chain, open circuit
d. open chain, closed circuit
what is the difference between the following as it relates to a corrective exercise program
a. primary limitation
b. secondary limitation
a. issue is significant, possible painful, and impedes function as well as performance; requires immediate corrective exercise and emphasis in the program
b. issue tends to reduce the ability to perform certain tasks or exercises but usually does not cause major pain; adjunct corrective work within the program
chains and circuits can be manipulated within a program to meet various needs. fill in the most applicable exercise chain/circuitry for the following goals
a. primary need is hypertrophy
b. primary need is strength
c. primary need is ROM
a. open chain, open circuit and open chain, open circuit
b. closed chain, closed circuit
c. closed chain, open circuit
what two muscles are primarily used in Bulgarian overhead reach
lats, hip flexors