Therapeutics 1 - Pancreas and Liver Flashcards
Q: What happens to partially digested food (chyme) when it enters the duodenum?
A: It mixes with pancreatic enzymes and bile, which are essential for the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Q: What is the function of bile in the digestive process?
A: Bile aids in the emulsification and digestion of fats.
Q: What symptoms might indicate low pancreatic enzyme levels?
A: Symptoms can include bloating, flatulence, and abdominal pain about 1-2 hours after eating.
Q: How can low pancreatic enzyme levels affect the intestines?
A: Low enzyme levels can lead to undigested food fermenting in the intestines, increasing the risk of “leaky gut.”
Q: Which test can indicate low pancreatic enzyme levels?
A: Low levels of pancreatic elastase-1 on a comprehensive stool test can indicate low pancreatic enzyme production.
Q: What are common symptoms of low bile production?
A: Symptoms include nausea after fatty meals, floating stools, and constipation.
Q: Why does low bile production cause constipation?
A: Bile acts as the body’s natural laxative, so low production can lead to constipation.
Q: Name two supplements that can support digestive function by stimulating enzyme production
A: Bromelain (from pineapple) and papain (from papaya) can support digestive function.
Q: What are some methods to stimulate pancreatic enzyme and bile production?
A: Using bitters, aromatic digestives, fasting, and maintaining dietary hygiene can help stimulate production.
Q: Name three bitter or hepatic herbs that support liver and gallbladder function.
A: Gentian, dandelion root, and globe artichoke leaf are examples.
Q: How can coffee enemas benefit liver function?
A: Coffee enemas can significantly stimulate liver function.
Q: Why is maintaining dietary hygiene important for digestive health?
A: Dietary hygiene helps to ensure proper digestion and stimulates enzyme and bile production.
Q: What role do pancreatic enzymes play in digestion?
A: They are crucial for breaking down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Q: What can floating stools indicate about bile production?
A: Floating stools can indicate poor fat digestion due to low bile production.
Q: How does fasting support pancreatic enzyme and bile production?
A: Fasting can help reset the digestive system and promote the natural production of digestive enzymes and bile.
Q: What is a common symptom that occurs 1-2 hours after eating in individuals with low pancreatic enzyme levels?
A: Abdominal pain is a common symptom.
Q: How do bitters help stimulate digestive function?
A: Bitters stimulate the production of digestive juices, including bile and pancreatic enzymes.
Q: What is “leaky gut” and how is it related to low pancreatic enzymes?
A: “Leaky gut” is a condition where the intestinal lining becomes permeable, allowing toxins to enter the bloodstream, often as a result of undigested food fermenting in the intestines due to low enzyme levels.