Bach Flowers 1: Principles of Bach Flower Remedies Flashcards
Q1: What is the primary focus when treating with Bach Flower Remedies?
A1: Don’t treat the symptoms; find the cause.
Q2: How does Dr. Bach define health?
A2: Health is when the personality is in harmony with the soul.
Q3: What is the underlying cause of disease according to Bach Flower Therapy?
A3: Disease occurs when the personality is disconnected from the soul.
Q4: Are diseases considered universal or individual in Bach Flower Therapy?
A4: Diseases are individual, an expression of emotional or spiritual imbalance.
Q5: What should a practitioner assess when using Bach Flower Remedies?
A5: Assess states of disharmony of the soul, not physical symptoms — focus on what the person feels.
Q6: How does disease manifest in the body according to Dr. Bach?
A6: Disease starts from the soul (person) and manifests in the body.
Q7: How does healing progress in Bach Flower Therapy?
A7: Healing begins at the soul (person) and progresses to the body.
Q8: What role does nature play in Bach Flower Therapy?
A8: Nature has all we need to heal ourselves.
Q9: How do practitioners choose the correct plant remedy for a person?
A9: Match the energy of a person with the energy of a plant.
Q10: What does each plant remedy embody?
A10: Each plant remedy embodies a certain soul quality.
Q11: What is the relationship between the soul and physical symptoms?
A11: Discord of the soul influences the emotional state, which in turn creates physical symptoms.
Q12: What is the purpose of disease in Bach Flower Therapy?
A12: Disease is a clue to the underlying imbalance of the soul.
Q13: At what level should treatments be aimed in Bach Flower Therapy?
A13: Treatments should be aimed at the soul level.
A13: Treatments should be aimed at the soul level.
A14: They act as a catalyst to realign the soul and body.
Q15: What is the focus of treatment in Bach Flower Therapy?
A15: Treat the individual, not the disease (symptom).
Q16: If a client presents with chronic constipation and is highly anxious but unable to place their fears, which remedy is prescribed?
A16: Aspen is prescribed.
Q17: Which remedy is given for a client with chronic constipation who shows controlling and possessive tendencies?
A17: Chicory is prescribed.
Q18: What remedy is suitable for a client with chronic constipation who is self-disciplined to the point of obsessiveness?
A18: Rock Water is prescribed.