Bach Flower 1 - Heather (Calluna vulgaris) Flashcards
Q1: What are the key traits of someone in the Heather state?
A1: Needy, self-absorbed, and self-centred.
Q2: What are the main characteristics of the negative state of Heather?
Lonely and needy
Exhausts others
Poor listener
Q3: What defines the transformed state of Heather?
Selfless care for others
Energises others
Empathetic and warm
Q4: How does the plant gesture of Heather reflect its emotional characteristics?
A durable plant growing in versatile conditions.
It spreads across mountains and moorlands, generating acidity that drives other plants away, symbolising its lonely existence.
Q5: What are some clinical indications for someone in the Heather state?
Obsessed with their own problems and affairs, talk constantly to others.
Compulsive talker, poor listener, like a ‘needy’ child.
Often hypochondriacs, extroverted, and use illness as a focal point in conversation.
Drain the energy of others with constant talk and neediness.
Reluctant to be alone, live off others’ energy, and seek an audience.
Their neediness can drive others away, leaving them lonely.
Require others to validate their existence, often stemming from emotional undernourishment in childhood.
Q6: Which emotional group does Heather belong to?
A6: Loneliness.
Q7: What soul quality does Heather represent?
A7: Empathy and helpfulness.
Q8: How does the transformed state of Heather manifest?
Develops great empathy, becomes a good listener and conversationalist.
Becomes selfless and helps others.
Gains strength and confidence.
Q9: What additional supports can help someone in the Heather state?
Visualise the personal space of others as impenetrable to help learn boundaries.
Get involved in group projects, community support, or charity work to shift focus outward.
Q10: Why might Heather individuals struggle with relationships?
A10: Their excessive neediness and constant focus on their own problems can exhaust others, driving people away and perpetuating their loneliness.
Q11: How does Heather help individuals move from neediness to self-reliance?
A11: By fostering empathy, encouraging boundaries, and directing their focus toward helping others, enabling them to find strength and confidence in themselves.