Therapeutics 1 - Constipation Flashcards
Q: What is a primary cause of poor gut motility that can lead to constipation?
A: Poor gut motility disrupts peristaltic waves that propel fecal matter forward.
Q: What types of dietary choices can contribute to constipation?
A: Processed foods and high refined sugars disrupt peristalsis; insufficient fluid intake leads to harder stools; and excessive animal product consumption can also contribute.
Q: Which nutrient deficiencies can affect gut motility?
A: Deficiencies in B1, B5, B6, potassium, magnesium, and zinc can impair gut motility.
Q: How does autotoxaemia relate to constipation?
A: Waste retention from constipation can lead to autotoxaemia, resulting in general toxicity and stress on other elimination channels.
Q: What types of dietary fiber are recommended for alleviating constipation?
A: Both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers, such as whole grains, legumes, raw fruits and vegetables, plums, figs, grapes, cherries, and dried fruits like prunes.
Q: What hydration strategy can help improve bowel movements?
A: Increasing fluid intake throughout the day, starting with a glass of water mixed with the juice of half a lemon to stimulate digestion.
Q: Why is it important to chew food well and eat in a relaxed environment?
A: Chewing food well and eating slowly can enhance digestion and promote better gut motility.
Q: What type of magnesium supplement is commonly recommended for constipation?
A: Magnesium citrate, with a gradual increase in dosage until tolerance is reached.
Q: Name a natural laxative that can help relieve constipation.
A: Blackstrap molasses (1 dessert spoonful in warm water, taken three times daily).
Q: What is the purpose of probiotics in addressing constipation?
A: Probiotics, particularly Lactobacillus bifidus and L. bulgaricus with FOS, can help support healthy gut flora and improve bowel function.
Q: How can senna pods be used in acute situations of constipation?
A: Senna pods (1 teaspoon infused) can be taken with the evening meal for a few days, but regular use may lead to bowel dependency.
Q: What naturopathic technique involves using bitter herbs to enhance liver function?
A: Bitter herbs like gentian, dandelion root, and chicory can be used to increase liver function, as bile acts as a natural laxative.
Q: What is the benefit of using a coffee enema or colon hydrotherapy for constipation?
A: These techniques assist in detoxification and bowel cleansing.
Q: What is a simple juicing combination that supports digestive health?
A: Juicing carrots, apples, celery, and beetroot (1 glass three times daily) can support digestive health.
Q: How can exercise improve bowel motility?
A: Increasing physical activity can improve muscle tone and support bowel motility, particularly if done early in the day.
Q: Why is stress management important for digestive health?
A: Managing stress can further enhance digestive health and improve bowel function.