TEST REVIEW CH 42-46 Flashcards
Reflex that makes baby turn towards nipple
Rooting Reflex
What is the Moro Reflex?
Startle Reflex
Nipple in Mouth, Baby Sucks….
Sucking Reflex
Neurological test that involves stimulating the sole of the foot to assess the CNS.
Babinski Sign (Plantar Reflex)
An involuntary reflex in babies that causes them to close their fingers around the object that touches their palm.
Palm Grasp Reflex
When the placenta implants low in the uterus, and covers the cervix as the baby grows, cannot be caused by trauma…
Placenta Previa
What’s the average blood loss during birth?
How much blood loss is considered postpartum hemorrhage?
Over 500ml
Non-functioning Alveoli
What causes Down Syndrome?
Mutation of the 21st chromosome
In this maneuver, mother pulls knees to chest, in order to…
McRoberts Maneuver, used to displace the baby’s shoulders for delivery
Birth - 24hrs
Normal Apgar Score and what are you assessing?
2 - Appearance (pink)
2 - Pulse (over 100HR)
2 - Grimace/Irritability (cries, withdraws from stimulation)
2 - Activity (resists attempts to straighten hips/knees)
2 - Respiration (Rapid)
What would indicate a low Apgar Score? And what would the score be for the following findings?
Hands/Feet remain blue
HR less than 100
Weak cry in response to stimuli
Weak attempts to resist straightening
Slow Respirations
What year was the APGAR scoring created?
An infant within the 1st month of birth….
1 month to 1year of age…
What EKG changes will you see for a PE?
S1 - Slurred S in Lead 1
Q3 - Q wave in Lead 3 (?)
T3 - Inverted T wave in Lead 3
What sign is when pt is laid supine, and you raise the head…..
What happens if it is positive?
And what does it indicate?
Brudzinski Sign
Flexion of hips/knees
What sign is when the pt is lying supine, a you raise the knee?
What indicates a positive sign?
What does the positive sign indicate?
Kernig’s Sign
Resistance, pain, or inability to extend knee
What sign is when the pt is laid supine and the legs are elevated, causing referred pain in the L shoulder?
What does this test for?
Kehr’s Sign
Splenic Rupture
What is a positive Merkel Sign?
And what does it indicate?
Pain in RLQ that is illicited following sudden jarring after standing on their toes and suddenly dropping to their heels.
Indicates Appendicitis.
What sign illicits pain when RUQ is palpated and the pt takes a deep breath?
What does a positive sign indicate?
Murphy’s Sign
Periumbilical bruising….
Cullen’s Sign
Bruising to flank….
Grey Turner Sign